A Side of Order

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(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) = authors note
(F/d) = Favorite drink
(F/p) = Favorite pastry
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
* = the star mark means action
------------------Narrator's p.o.v

((A/n): spoilers for Splatoon 3's Side Order DLC. You have been warned also for those who have played the DLC some dialogue will be altered, since Mizuta was introduced to the group ages ago, just a reminder))

The scene opens up to Deep Cut reporting the News as they talk about the new season that's arriving soon, then Frye pipes up about something important

Frye: time for our next segment, Rumour Fillet!

Big Man: Ay? Ay. (That's a segment? Sounds fishy)

Shiver: would this be the rumour about the spaced-out wretches packing Inkopolis Square?

Big Man: Ay. Ay? (Yeah, I heard about that. Do you think it's true?)

Shiver: I have seen fewer people from Inkopolis Square in Turf War or punching the clock...

Frye: hey, you're right, now that I think of it. What's up with that?! Did they find out how rad the Splatlands are and throw in the towel?

Big Man: Ay! Ay! (I know! We should go live from Inkopolis Square to get the truth!)

Shiver: Big Man...are you just angling for a way to expense a trip to Inkopolis Square?

Big Man: Ay... (I just thought it'd be cool for our viewers to see another side of Inkopolis...)

The scene then pans out to see (Y/n) with Pod-153 floating around her as she holds Lucifer's Bane in her hands and tweaks it

(Y/n): where are you, Vic?

Victoria: *runs over to (Y/n)* hey! Sorry I'm late, Jay has nagging questions about why I was suddenly heading out

(Y/n): that's fine, come on let's catch the train before it leaves *the two walk into the train station*

Victoria: wouldn't it be more convenient if we go though the Labs?

(Y/n): while in some sense, yes it would. But, I'm not taking the chances of someone following us

Victoria: that makes sense

As the two board the train that's heading to Inkopolis Square as they make their way there they both fall asleep due to unknown circumstances as Muck Warfare can be heard. And as they wake up they hear a faint "hey" call out to them, then as they stand up they see Inkopolis Square but it's completely different, as it's vibrant colours are gone, and only white remains

(Y/n): what the fuck...?

???: hello! Heeeeelllllllooo!? Up and at 'em, you two!

(Y/n): Pearl?

???: yo, eight! (Y/n)! You awake or what?!

(Y/n) and Victoria, raise off the ground as the former notices that Victoria's tentacles are more wavier then normal and now a beige colour then her regular pink colour, she's also wearing a white shortsleeved jumpsuit, a white and black chocker and matching ankle boots and has an earring on her left ear. (Y/n) then looks at herself to see that her clothes have changed as well, as she's now wearing Chaos Kicks, a Schoolyard Scrap Jack, Squidbeak Shield and a Tentaclinger Earring on her left ear

???: *the machine that (Y/n) made flies in front of the two* nice. If you two hadn't come around, I didn't have a plan B! What's up? I got something on my face?

(Y/n): what drugs did I take to see this shit?

Pearl: oh, that's right! You two wouldn't recognise me like this. It's me, Pearl. You know, your bestie and girlfriend!

I got isekai'd into splatoon, but I'm a Futa.( Splatoon X Futa Reader )Where stories live. Discover now