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Next morning, after breakfast Eleanora decided to walk around the mansion as it was a nice rainy day. She didn't wanted to remain locked inside those suffocating surroundings. She wanted out, to breathe in the refreshing air outside.

It was stupid to take her brothers' approval that Elijah informed her was very necessary. That was the another reason she wanted out from there at least for few hours.

Turned out that it was the most easiest thing to do because William was careless about it. He just didn't wanted her to go out the border of premises but she was to free to roam around anywhere inside as this all property was hers too. It felt strange hearing this when these words smoothly slipped out from his tongue.

Elijah was practically breathing on her neck. But at least he understand it himself after sometime later that Eleanora needed a little space between them. He slowed down to create a enough distance between them.

Eleanora looked around the beautiful garden in front of her. There was swings and water fountain too.

The scene of her giant brothers ever sitting on these small swings was hilarious in her mind. A small giggle managed to slip past her lips.

Elijah heard it perfectly but he didn't commented anything. It wasn't his job at all. He had observed that the little princess already looked pretty much stressed out with these sudden new changes of her life, she needed to loosen it up a bit.

Eleanora stared at the beautiful flowers with a wonder in her eyes. Suddenly a thought popped in her mind.

"Elijah..." She called his name after a little hesitation. He stepped towards her.

"Can I do a little gardening or something?" She asked softly.

"I don't think so!"

"Why? William said I can do anything I want."

"But this case is different. I highly doubt that your brother will approve this. Summer is already on its way and working here at such hot weather can give you some serious skin problems and can affect your health!" He told her in a robotic tone.

Her mood turned sour.

"But you can always tell the maids to do whatever you wish about gardening." He suggested immediately noticing her facial expressions.

"Let's go somewhere else." Nora said, her voice a little sad.

Elijah followed her out of the gardens without uttering a next word.

She walked more and more deeper inside the premises. Suddenly her breath hitched in her throat and her feet came to a halt.

Her eyes went wide in surprise.

"W-what is that place?" She asked in a shocked tone.

"Your family's old castle."

"Please tell me about it." She asked with a gaping mouth.

"It was built by your ancestors in 16th century when they ruled this country." Elijah replied shortly.

"Wow. You meant to say that this family is royal?"

"Yes! You are of royal bloodline."

"Something else should I know?" She asked curiously.

"It's not really my place to tell you everything. You can always read royal books in the mansion's library. It contains all information regarding your family." Nora nodded her head in understanding.

"Can we explore the castle?" Eleanora asked in a hopeful tone.

"Not right now. It's almost the time of your lunch. We shall head back now." As much as Nora didn't wanted to go, she forced herself to walk back to the mansion.

Her Seven Deadly Brothers (Part 1 and 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz