Chapter 31

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Eleanora and Anastasia finally made it downstairs and entered kitchen. Hades and Angel were present. Hades was drinking a energy drink lazily while Angel was going through his phone.

"What happened to your hand, Angel?" Nora asked concerned as she leaned closer to inspect Angel's bandaged hand.

"Is everything fine?"

"Don't worry. It's nothing. I was just playing around." He shrugged.

"Oh I almost didn't see you there." Angel looked at Anastasia and gave her a nod.

She nodded back too and averted her gaze to the floor as usual.

"Hey Ana. What do you want to eat?" Nora asked while shuffling through the cupboards.

Anastasia shook her head in negative with a frown on her face.

"You are too skinny. You gotta eat something." Angel said at the place of Nora.

Anastasia fumbled with her fingers nervously, not knowing how to respond.

"Hey. It's alright. You don't have to eat. But atleast how about a cup of tea or coffee? I will make one for you. We will call it 'Eleanora's special'." Nora giggled but stopped soon as a familiar pain built in her throat.

"Tea. Is it?" She asked again with a smile, biting through her pain.

Anastasia mindlessly nodded even though she did not want to.

As Nora was preparing tea, Hades and Angel walked out of there leaving the two girls alone.

Anastasia smiled faintly, accepting the cup of tea. Nora came to sit on the bar stool beside her with her own cup.

"Ahh delicious." She took a sip of her own made tea and looked at Anastasia expectedly.

Anastasia smiled and took a small sip. She gave a thumbs up to Nora who grinned back.

After finishing it while talking with each other about some random things, Anastasia picked both empty cups and took them to the sink.

"Hey. I will do it." Nora tried to stop her but she shook her head.

"It's fine. I-it's the l-least that I could do." Anastasia stuttered, embarassed.

After doing the dishes, she made her way back to Nora when suddenly someone hurriedly entered the kitchen, accidentally bumping into her and a loud crashing sound echoed in the room.

"What the fuck?!"

Lucifer was looking down at the special wine bottle he purchased. He was thinking about drinking it secretly from Hunter. It was his and Hunter's favorite and the most important thing, it was hardly anywhere available in their country. Nor that it mattered due to their family's name but he really wished to drink it by himself.

He looked up, his glaring eyes fixed at Anastasia who anxiously trembled like a leaf on her place.

"ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND OR SOMETHING?!" He yelled out aggressively, making her flinch away in fear but he reached out to grab her wrist and forcibly yanked her in place.

Eleanora who was watching this scene with wide eyes, finally came out of her shocked stupor and almost ran for Anastasia's rescue.

"Lucifer sorry. It was just an accident.....Please let go of Ana......You are scaring her."

He glanced down at Nora's face who pleaded with a worried look.

"Tsk." Clicking his tongue in annoyance, he glanced at Anastasia who looked as if she was going to have panic attack then and there.

He let go of her wrist and stormed out of there.

"Anastasia!" Nora said worriedly as her friend almost collapsed.

She held her while her own throat started to burn due to sudden stress.

"It's alright. You are fine.......Just breathe.......Everything is ok.....Breathe.......Ana."

Suddenly, Anastasia went still.

At the same moment, Damon and Hunter stepped into the room.

"What was the commotion ab--" Hunter stopped in the middle of his sentence. His eyes flickered at the scene.

"What the hell happened here?!" He exclaimed loudly.

Damon approached to help Nora and checked on Anastasia.

"S-she had a p-panic...attack." Nora said as tears streamed down her eyes, due to the building of pain in her throat.

Damon shook his head. He signed at Hunter to take Anastasia out of there.

Hunter grunted but acknowledged his words.

He picked her unconscious body up and marched out of there.

"Why do I always have to babysit these kids?" He grumbled something along these lines.

Due to his 'shitty' luck, halfway through the guest room, he bumped his way into Adriano and William.

And let's just say, Adriano De'Romano was pissed seeing the fragile state of his delicate little sister.

"Why is Lucifer...acting like a jerk? I can't....tolerate it." Nora complained to Damon who silently listened to her.

"I....need to him." She said and looked up at Damon's face determined.

"Anastasia best friend and I won't.....let Lucifer get....away simply after treating her like this."

He still did not say anything but stared at Nora's back as she rushed out of the kitchen. Then he glanced at the broken wine bottle on the floor and let out a quiet chuckle, amused finding humor at the situation.


Eleanora crossed her arms over her chest and blocked Lucifer's path to his room. He looked at her with an irritated glare.

"Well. What do you want?" He asked impatiently.

"You are being...jerk for no reason." She pointed out coldly.

"I'm just angry and I have every reason to be."

She gasped as he picked her up with his arms around her waist and turned around to place her down on the other side, so she was not blocking the door anymore.

"You are being plain" She pointed out with a quiet glare on her face as he was about to close the door.

He paused and stared right in her eyes with his own unforgiving ones.

"Alright. I'm being mean today huh? And you can't handle it. But what if there was a second version of me who always acted like a mean Jerk. How would you handle it then?" She blinked at his strange question.

"Well, you are my brother no.....matter in this or that.....version. So I would....have to learn to tolerate that rude behaviour......or maybe try to change your personality. sounds impossible but whatever. But......most importantly you are......not that version Lucifer....So stop being a JERK ALREADY!" She slightly raised her voice with last two words, the best she could do and stomped his foot before dashing out of there. In fear that he will catch her.

Lucifer, unaffected of her move, just stared at her running figure with amusement.

(A.n. what if 'this' or 'that' version Lucifer switched places? Or maybe 'this' or 'that' Hunter lol.... Just thinking about it is funny. What are your thoughts?)

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