Chapter 22

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I didn't get the chance to proofread this chapter. Kindly try to ignore the mistakes....

Hades and Angel's location was still unknown to Eleanora as they were stuck in some work. That left Elijah to give her a ride to school.

She quickly got out and sent a small smile in his direction, watching him as he drove away.

She was about to move towards the building but her attention was caught  by a car coming in the parking lot.

Following it were two SUV's from which a couple of bodyguards type persons stepped out. Three of them opened the doors of that car. First, a blonde girl stepped out that Nora recognized as Arabella. That one girl who was bullying Anastasia.

Nora frowned when she stormed past her with a look of fury covering her face. She sent a harshest glare in Nora's direction but didn't say anything though.

After that, Nora paid attention when the second door opened. She reminisced the guy who stepped out as Ermanno who was in her first and fifth class.

Nora watched with shock as last person stepped out.


Ermanno placed his arm around her shoulder and started to lead her inside.

Nora blinked in surprise as they walked past them. Anastasia never brought her gaze up from floor, that's why she never noticed that Nora was standing there and watching her with absolute worry and fear in her eyes, thinking that might worst has happened to her.

Nora was lost in thought that she did not even notice as a group of guys walked past her with smirks and glares covering their faces.

She shook her head to snap out of her thoughts. She turned around and started to make her way towards her class.

Nora frowned again finding Anastasia and Ermanno sitting together at the end of class.

This time Anastasia again looked up and her eyes made contact with Nora.

Her eyes widened and she immediately tried to stand up but Ermanno grabbed her wrist, forcing her to stay still.

Nora felt a hard gaze boring into her face and she found out that it was Ermanno himself. He was glaring at her with a suspicious look covering his face.

Nora maintained eye-contact with him for a moment and then looked away.

With a sigh, she took her own seat. A moment later, she felt a small tap on her shoulder.

Looking back, she found Anastasia standing behind her with Ermanno backing her up closely.

"My sister says that you are her friend." Ermanno spoke first.

Nora took a second to let this information sink in her mind.


"Y-you are h-her brother?" Nora stuttered out in shock.

"Twin brother actually." Ermanno answered with a narrowed stare and he lightened a cigarette, ignoring shocked gasps coming from rest of the class.

Nora ignored this revelation, instead she looked at Anastasia like trying to find the truth on her face.

Anastasia looked in her eyes and gave a small, hesitant nod. It made Nora relax a little.

Judging by how Ermanno was standing beside her with an alert kind of posture, it seemed like he would protect her at any cost and after getting reminded about of those guards downstairs. Nora knew that her tormentors wouldn't be stupid enough to attack Anastasia in public. Now she needed to think something, so she could pull herself out of this messed up situation.

Before anyone of them could say anything, the teacher arrived.

Ermanno again grabbed Anastasia's hand and started to tug her back to the class while muttering something like, 'you can meet her later at lunch.'

The second period came that Nora didn't share with Anastasia and Ermanno. She made her way out of the classroom and headed towards her locker.

As she passed by one of the storeroom, suddenly a hand appeared and she was tugged into the room with just an blur.

Nora gasped and just as she was about to scream, a gun was pressed against her temple making her freeze all of the sudden.

Two more people entered inside and the door was slammed shut.

Nora felt her heart dropping when she looked up and found herself cornered up between number of five males.

She recognized few of them from her school as they study here too and she had seen them sitting in cafeteria. Though they looked to be studying in University. They had tattoos and multiple piercings on their faces even more than Lucifer and Hunter together.

"What do you want?" She finally found her voice as the gun was moved away from the temple.

"You tell us babygirl. How much time will you take to do a simple job?" The guy who looked like their leader spoke making Nora cringe inwardly at the nickname he had given to her.

"I don't know what are you talking about." Nora answered but somewhat she had idea what was it about.

"Poor little Alaska. She was so young but she just had to go too soon."

Nora's eyes widened in horror. But beside the fear, the more she felt was fury. She stepped up and grabbed the leader by his collar tight.

"How dare you? Why would you do it? She was innocent and you all killed her!" With tears in her eyes, she yelled at him.

He chuckled in response and grabbed her wrist. Nora could barely breathe when he twisted her wrist and spun her around, her back hitting his chest hard while he held her in a chokehold.

"It's not something we wanted to do. It's your fault." He whispered in her ear.

"No! It wasn't my fault. You killed her and I will make sure that you pay." She whispered back and stabbed her nails right through his skin making him hiss.

"Bitch!" He said releasing her.

Nora's eyes widened. She moved ahead and sent a sharp kick at his family jewels making his eyes almost pop out.

He groaned, holding himself while his friends tried not to laugh.

In the blink of an eye, they had grabbed Nora and pinned her to the wall.

"We were wrong when we took her as a weak, little girl. I warned you at first place, Ajax!" One of them stated with a sigh.

Ajax got up and came in front of Nora.

"Now we will have to do it with a hard way. Don't say that we didn't warn you before."

While saying this, Ajax punched her hard in her stomach making her breath knock out.

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