Chapter 5

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The sound of a phone alarm jolted Jungkook awake. Flinching at the god-awful sound, he searched for the phone in question to turn the offensive sound off. Rolling over he noticed that YN was still dead to the world. Surprised that she could sleep through something so annoying he reached over her to press the snooze button on her phone. Taking a minute to get his bearings, JK checked the time. It was only 6:30 in the morning so it was still early. Not knowing if YN really had to get up at this time, he started to trace the lines of her body with his hands.

Leaning down he whispered in her ear "YN, it's time to get up baby. Your alarm went off." He gently kissed her right below her ear as he gently moved her.

"Noooo" she groaned "what time is it?"

"It's a little after 6:30 a.m." he replied. "Do you work today?"

"No, I have this week off. It's my summer break for work." She responded.

"Then why is your alarm on?" He asked.

"Because it's always set. If I don't keep it on when I'm off work, I forget to turn it back on for work."

JK smiles down at her shaking his head. "Well do you need to get up now or do you want to sleep?"

"Can't we just cuddle more, you're so warm."

"Believe me, I want to, but you're going to fall asleep again and I have to leave soon. I need to meet up with my friends. We have plans today."

"Ugh, of course. Ok, I'll make some coffee and let Lola out. You can have the shower first."

JK leans over her and gives her a quick kiss before getting up and going into the bathroom.

YN stretches and looks over at Lola who is staring at her intently, silently conveying that it was indeed time to let her out. Still, in her sweats, YN grabs her keys, Lola's leash, and heads out the door. After letting Lola do her business they head back into the apartment. Just in time to get a full view of JK dropping his towel to get dressed. She silently admitted to herself that he was one fine man and looked too good to be real. She enjoyed the view until Lola raced past her and alerted JK to her presence. He just turned around to look at her and gave her a little smirk as he continued to get dressed.

"Hey," He said, "I know what that look means." As he walks towards her. She's frozen in place as she watches the water drip from his wet hair as it slides down his neck. "And unfortunately, I don't have the time this morning for round 3, but if you're really good today, maybe I can come back tonight." He smiles and flicks her nose, then bends down to give her a long kiss.

"Mmmm, are you hungry," he asks as he runs his hands through YN's hair.

"I don't usually eat in the mornings, but I could make you something," she replies smiling up at him. "I think I actually have some stuff in the fridge, I can make some bacon, eggs, and toast if you want?"

"That sounds great"

"Ok, let me shower real quick and I'll make breakfast."

JK nodded his agreement and went to sit down on the couch to check his phone. Luckily, no new messages or missed calls greeted him this time. He did send off a quick text to Namjoon to let him know that he would be there on time this morning to avoid any further miscommunication. As he continued to wait for YN to get out of the shower he contemplated how he was going to bring up the subject of wanting to date her to the group members. He was in hopes that they would support him but he was still worried that there was a small chance that they wouldn't agree. Caught up in his thoughts he didn't hear the shower turn off, he looked up towards the bedroom as YN was choosing which clothes to wear. He smiled to himself thinking fair is fair, she did watch me get dressed this morning. He got up and walked over to the doorway and simply watched her.

YN turned around and saw JK watching her, she wiggled her fingers at him and dropped her towel. Knowing no round three was in the near future, she teased him as she got dressed slowly. Loving the fact that he couldn't look away. She finally finished and walked past him to go make breakfast.

"You really like to tease don't you?" JK asked her.

"Of course, gotta make sure you want to come back for more," YN said as she set to work cooking.

"Well you won't have a problem with that, I don't think I'll be able to leave, let alone stay away." He came up behind her and moved her hair out of the way as he placed a kiss on her neck and wrapped his arms around her. "However, I'm sure if I don't go with my friends today they may end up murdering me."

"It's ok, I totally understand." She said. YN knew perfectly well that there was a 50/50 chance of seeing him again after he walked out of her door. So she was going to make the most of the time she had left. "Go sit down, I'm almost done."

JK sits down and YN brings the food over for him. Standing at the counter she sips her coffee, enjoying peaceful silence as he ate. Finishing her coffee she went to rinse her mug when JK's phone went off.

"Hey man, yeah, I'll be there soon. I'll leave shortly." JK responded to the person on the other line. He hung up the phone, picking up his plate he moved to the kitchen sink to rinse it off. He turned to look at YN once he was done and leaned back against the counter and pulling her close.

"You have to leave now don't you?" YN said with her head buried against his chest.

"Yeah I do, but I'll text you when I'm done with my plans for the day."

"Ok, have fun." She pulled him down for a kiss.

"I'll see you later," JK says as he pulls away and heads toward the door.

"Drive safe," she responds as she watches him leave.

When the door is closed, YN let out a heavy sigh. She couldn't believe that she just spent the past 24 hours with a man who is basically a stranger. But, it didn't really stop how she felt. She realized this morning as he was about to leave and knowing she may never see him again, that she actually liked this man. She hadn't had feelings for a man since her ex. Mark had effectively killed any tolerance for men. She had tried dating but she found herself more annoyed with the men than anything else. JK though was different. He made her heart beat faster and she wanted to spend more time with him. Heaven help her.

Since her day was now wide open though, she figured she should get her errands done. She needed to keep busy so that her thoughts weren't straying towards JK all day. So she packed up Lola and set out to do her shopping. As she was driving to the store she received a call, looking down at the caller ID she saw that it was her sister and picked it up.

"Hey, Sis! How are you" YN asked.

"Hi, I'm good. What are you doing?" She asked.

"Just on my way to the store, I need to pick up some things. What are you up to?"

"Nothing, I got bored and wanted to talk to my favorite sister. What have you been up to for the past few days? I swear if I don't talk to you every day I feel like I never know what's going on."

"Well I kinda met someone, and um we had a lot of fun together." YN didn't want to go into too much detail because she didn't know where it was going to go.

"Ooh, tall, dark, and handsome at least right?" her sister asks.

"Yes, with tattoos and an eyebrow piercing to boot." She replies.

"Good for you sis! I'm glad to see you're having fun. It's been too long since I've seen that look on your face."

"Ok, don't get all sappy on me. Anyways, I'm almost at the store. I'll call you later, love you!" YN tells her and hangs up the phone. Pulling into the parking stall YN gets Lola out and they head into the store.

As she's shopping two girls come up to her and compliment Lola on how sweet and pretty she was. As they were walking away they started talking about a K-pop concert. YN was surprised because she didn't know that there was a K-pop event in town. She didn't catch the group's name but figured she could look it up later. Going about her business she finished her shopping and headed home.

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