Chapter 16

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YN woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. Realizing she was still on the floor she sat up. Answering the phone on autopilot she let out a raspy greeting to the person on the other line.

"Um Princess, I only see your ear" JK chuckled on the other line.

YN yanked the phone away from her head and looked down at the screen. Before she could say anything however JK asked "Are you ok sweetheart, you look tired."

JK was being polite about it but he was concerned. Her hair was mussed and her face was puffy. It looked like she had been crying for a while which broke his heart.

YN quickly reached up and wiped her eyes and fixed her hair. "Yeah I'm fine, I was just a little emotional earlier from being so tired. Plus I miss you a lot. I'll be ok though, sorry you have to see me like this. Give me just a minute and let me freshen up." She set her phone down and walked away into the bathroom.

JK waited for her on the line as he began putting his stuff away in the room he was sharing with Tae and Jimin again. He felt bad that she had been crying but he knew how she felt. He had shed his own fair share of tears on the plane, Jimin went so far as to come over and give him a hug until he calmed down. It was hard but he reminded himself he would see her soon. He looked back over at his phone when he heard her voice come through.

"Sorry about that handsome, how was the flight."

"It was uneventful as usual, we just got back to the hotel."

"Ok, have you guys eaten already?"

"Not yet, we are going to order something in tonight so that we can get to bed early. Traveling takes it out of us. Have you eaten yet?"

"No, I'm not really hungry, to be honest."

"Baby, you need to eat something."

"I will later. When are you guys going to eat."

"Probably in a couple of hours." The wheels were beginning to turn in his head about what he could do to make sure she eats something tonight. The idea popped in his head that he would order her sushi from her favorite place and a dessert from her favorite bakery. It would be easy enough and he was hoping it would be a pleasant surprise. So he pulled up his app for food delivery options and ordered her food to be sent over within the hour.

"Sooo..." she said, she felt at a loss of words and just drained. She wanted to feel him next to her and it kind of hurt that she could only see him instead.

"So, I was talking to the guys earlier and we all agreed that if we can work really hard, then maybe you could come out on Fridays instead of just Saturday morning. That way we could at least sleep together the night before the show and have breakfast. What do you think?" His words had just the effect on her that he was hoping for, her whole face lit up with excitement and he couldn't hold back the smile. "We also decided that we are going to fly Kai to you and keep you company on the flights."

"Why would you want to do that, Kai is going to get sick of flying real quick if you make him do that." She said confused, but then she smiled "You're doing it because I won't have Lola with me, aren't you?"

"Well when we looped Kai into the logistics and with everything going on, he actually volunteered to do it. I don't know how you did it, but you have that giant wrapped around your finger. He's going to be your personal traveling companion."

"Awww that's sweet of him and of you baby. Thank you for being so thoughtful."

"So I already booked your first ticket. You're flying out at 12:30 and you'll be to me by about 6:30 with the layover. Kai will have parked the SUV there and he will get you to the hotel around the time we will be done with practice."

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