Chapter 32

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No one saw her as she left, She had barely made her way through the doorway when Jimin tensed and looked away from her. She felt her heartbreak as her best friend didn't have a smile for her. All she wanted was for him to be ok, but she knew that because of her, was in this predicament now. It was all her fault, she had done nothing since meeting these men but become a burden. The pregnancy, her heart condition, Mark, and now this. She had made a promise to herself to see through Jimin's recovery but she knew now that it was probably best if she left instead.

She didn't hesitate a moment as she made her way out of the hospital on her own quickly, calling for a cab on the way. Once she was out the doors, the cab was already waiting for her. Giving the driver her address, she leaned back and finally let the tears loose.

Back in the hospital room, JK saw Jimin tense and turn away as Jin and Yoongi walked through the door. "What is it Jimin?" he asked.

"Nothing, I must have shifted and the stitches pulled. It just hurts." He replied as he looked back towards the doorway.

"Who are you looking for?" Taehyung asked

Jungkook watched as Jimin looked at everyone in the room. He looked as well and saw all of his hyungs. "Um, if all of you are here, who is with YN right now?" he asked, he felt dread pooling in his stomach as he saw the surprised look on Jin's face. He watched as Jin turned to look behind him and Jungkook watched the color drain from his face.

"She was right behind us, she was just discharged. She wanted to make sure Jimin was ok before going home. She wasn't feeling well earlier so I told her she could have a couple of minutes with him before we left. She's been worried."

They both turned to look at Jimin as he let out a groan. "Shit, shit, shit." He said.

"What is it?" Yoongi asked the younger man "what happened?"

"YN must have seen how I was smiling when you guys came in. I was moving to sit up a bit more when I saw her but I shifted wrong and the stitches pulled. I didn't want her to see I was in pain so I quickly turned away. Shit, if I know my best friend, she's been blaming herself this entire time and I didn't want her to worry. I'm sure she took it the wrong way, she probably thinks I hate her." He hit the hospital bed with his fist "Goddammit! Will someone please go get her?" He pleaded with tears in his eyes.

Jungkook stood up and walked out before he even finished his sentence. He walked out of the room to see if he could see YN in the hallway but there was no sign of her. He walked over to the nurse's station "Have you seen my girlfriend? Her name is YN and she was just discharged this morning."

The nurse that had discharged her spoke up "Yes, she asked which way the exit was."

"Thank you," he said before walking away. She probably needed some fresh air, he thought to himself. Making his way out the doors of the hospital he looked around. He couldn't see her anywhere, just then his phone rang, without looking at the caller ID he answered it.

"JK would you mind telling me why my daughter called me crying, saying she was done and she was going to her apartment? I thought you guys were going back to the house, Yoongi called me 15 minutes ago telling me she was discharged and what the plan was."

Jungkook felt sick, "Lillie it was just a misunderstanding, she might be thinking Jimin is mad at her over what happened. I think she left the hospital."

"That child of mine always did have a soft heart. She is certainly an emotional one and pregnancy amplifies that. Well, I'll leave you to fix that young man. She's at her apartment, I fully expect you to call me tonight and tell me everything is sorted." She demanded.

"Yes, Lillie."

"And Jungkook," She said, "You can call me mom. Now go fix this so we can get everything settled ok?"

JK smiled and replied, "Yes, mom."

"Good, goodbye now," Lillie said

Jungkook quickly sent a text in the group chat explaining what had happened and where he was going. He called a cab and gave them the address to the apartment. A short while later he finally made it to her door. Not even bothering to knock, JK let himself in with the spare key YN had given to him earlier on. Looking around he didn't see her until he heard soft sobs coming from the bathroom.

Quietly opening the door so he wouldn't startle her, he saw the love of his life with her knees to her chest, her head resting on her knees in the tub. Walking over to her he knelt down and ran his hand down her wet hair. He heard her inhale and her beautiful eyes were bloodshot and full of pain when they met his. Without speaking he stood up and undressed, YN's eyes following his every movement. When he was done he motioned her to move forward and sat down behind her. She didn't protest and did what he said, but she remained in her position.

"Oh no, come here," he said and pulled her tense body into his. She didn't relax her position until his hands made their way up to her shoulders and he started to knead them. He felt as the tension began to leave her body and the tears started to flow once more. Pulling her against his chest, he wrapped his arms around her. "Princess, it's ok, I promise." He whispered in her ear.

"No, no it's not. He hates me JK. I can't even blame him. I've been nothing but a burden to you all since I came around. I'm sorry, it's just better if we stop here." She cried "Jimin almost died because of me, I refuse..."

Her words were cut off by Jungkook's mouth on hers. "I never want to hear those words leave your mouth ever again. You are mine and my life has been so much better with you in it. All of our lives have been. You mean the most to me, the guys also love you, you're their sister."

"But, but,..." she stuttered as she hiccupped.

"There is not but's YN. I was going to wait to do this but now is just fine. Wait right here." Jungkook said as he got up out of the tub. He quickly went to his pants and pulled out a small box. Walking back over to the tub he knelt down by it. "I was going to wait until the perfect moment, I was going to have flowers and music and the guys taking pictures, forgive me that it's not as fancy as all of that. But YN, I love you more than anything on this earth. You are my world and I will never let you go, I know we haven't been together long, but I know deep down that you and I were meant to be." Opening the box, JK held up the simple oval-shaped diamond ring. "Will you marry me?" he asked.

"Oh Jungkook," YN said crying but this time with tears of joy "Only you would propose naked while we were in the tub."

"Sweetheart, you kind of have to say yes or no. That's not really an answer and I'm dying here." He said feeling his heart pound.

"Yes, yes I will marry you JK," YN said as she held out her hand.

JK let out a sigh of relief as he put the ring on her hand. He then picked her up from the tub and took her to the bedroom. With a soft kiss, he whispered "I love you, and I want nothing more than to take you in my arms and make love to you. But, we really need to go back to the hospital. Jimin is worried about you."

YN looked at him confused "He's mad at me, why would he be worried."

"Princess, he's not mad. That was just a misunderstanding, he didn't want you to see him hurting. He knew you would blame yourself so he didn't want you to worry."

"Talk about shitty timing," she said as she laid her head against JK's shoulder. "Alright, let me put some clothes on and we can go."

JK smiled down at her as he set her down. He went and put his own clothes on, walking back into the bedroom he saw YN looking at the ring on her hand. "I hope I picked the right one." He said.

"Of course you did, I just can't get over the fact that I'm engaged right now. I never thought this would happen." She said softly.

"I didn't think I would stumble upon the love of my life while going for a run." He returned with a laugh. "But I did and I wouldn't have it any other way." Leaning down he gave her another kiss. Standing back up he held out his hand. "Let's go tell the family."

YN put her hand in his "Deal." She whispered.

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