Chapter 10

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They chatted for a while longer, YN was enjoying getting to know the guys. She was fascinated by the group dynamics and how such different personalities created an easy-going environment. The constant teasing and jabs that each member made were all in good fun. Lola seemed to be enjoying herself too, the dog had gone from person to person for snuggles and play. YN leaned back against Jungkook and just let the conversation flow, occasionally answering any questions that the guys threw her way.

"So YN, how is JK treating you? Is the golden child taking good care of you?" Jimin asked wiggling his eyebrows. He watched as YN blushed and ducked when JK threw the pillow closest to him at his head.

"He takes excellent care of me, thanks for asking." She smirked at Jimin. She realized early on that he took great pleasure in ruffling the other member's feathers. Knowing that she was going to make an easy target being new to the group, she made the decision that she would give as good as she got from him. She felt JK chuckle at her response.

"Alright everyone, security called and said we should be good to go. YN, just because you have Lola with you and she's quite recognizable, the pair of you would draw a lot of attention. I'm going to have a separate security guard take you and her down to a different car that will follow us over to the venue where we are rehearsing." Namjoon stated, he was worried about her safety but also concerned about the media circus if they were to catch her with the group. For now, it was easier to keep her to herself if she was going to go to and from the venue.

"Joon, I want to go with her, she shouldn't be by herself with all of this going on," JK responded. He wasn't a fan of Namjoon's plan in the slightest. He didn't want her to get overwhelmed and then have a medical emergency alone.

"JK, if you guys are going to continue seeing each other you know there are rules. For now, this is how we need to go about it until we can sit down and think of a plan for the long term."

"JK," YN said as she placed her hand on his arm. "It's ok, I'm sure everything will be just fine. It's only for a little bit. I'm going to the same place you are. We can even talk on the phone once we are in the cars."

"Fine, but you will call me as soon as you get into the other vehicle and we won't leave until you guys do." He responded a bit aggressively. He made it a point to look Namjoon in the eyes to make him aware of how serious he was. He knew he needed to compromise but he did have limits.

"I promise. Now, who is leaving first?"

"We will leave first, since the reporters will be busy chasing us down you'll be able to slip out the back with the other security guard. Just keep your head down and walk with Lola as you would normally."

"I can do that" she replied and turned to look at JK who was frowning. She leaned over and kissed his lips, "Hey, it's gonna be fine, stop looking so grumpy. Now get going."

The guys all stood up and walked towards the door. Everyone walked out but J-Hope stayed behind for just an extra minute "I'll be right out guys, I left something." He turned to look at YN and said "Don't let it get to you, I know Joon is trying his best and it comes off a bit harsh. He's doing it because he cares about JK and JK cares about you. Some of this is going to be hard, but just know we have your back." With that, he left and ran up to the others.

YN turned around and saw a large man in all black standing behind her. "Alright miss, when they get down to the lobby we will take the stairs and go out the back." He stated.

"Ok" she answered simply. She got Lola leashed up and was ready to leave. She looked over and the guard had his hand touching the earpiece he had. "We are clear to go," he said.

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