Chapter 2: Don't Fight, I Won't Let You!!

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As time passed the fight became more brutal and a number of times I had to tell the others to stay out of it. I blacked out a little and came back, but when I was conscious again I didn't like what I was seeing... Obito was protecting me, standing there guarding me like I deserved it after what I put them through.

"O-Obito, w-what are you doing? I don't deserve to be protected after what I've done." I pleaded, "You don't have to do this for me, Obito!"

"I know, but I wasn't going to let you get hurt, Mikari."

"It's my fight, Obito. You don't have to fight for me." I said getting up.

"No, Mika, don't fight anymore. Your already hurt as it is."

"Why can't I finish what I started, Obito?"

"Because I won't let you!! I'm not gonna watch you die from the sidelines, I care to much for you Mika!"

***Time Skip***

Mikari wasn't able to fight, and Obito almost died keeping her safe but Minato saved them both. If you know the show like I know it then you'll know what I mean when I say Minato saved them because he's the Yellow Flash of Konohagakure.~

"Mika has been through a lot, Minato. She may not be able to go on the next mission." I could hear someone, a male saying very faintly.

"I know Lord Hokage but, she at least has to be able to go home, for her and Obito's sake."

"Her own yes, but why bring young Obito into this, Minato? He doesn't need to be brought into something like this when we already have problems."

"Yes I know but he brought himself into this when he fought for Mikari when she couldn't defend herself. He kept her safe and when I got to them the enemy was almost finished because of Obito."

"Minato sensei, Minato sensei! Where's Mika?! Is she ok! Where is she?!?" Obito, I thought, I can hear your voice, O-Obito I need you here with me... please.

"She's in there, Obito, but don't rush in you may startle her if she's awake."

I love you, Obito Uchiha 2Where stories live. Discover now