Chapter 4: I can...

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I found it was easy to love Obito like I did before, but I feel like I'm putting him in danger now. He said he was fine, and I'm not going to make him leave me even though I feel that he's not safe. For the first time in a while I really like the idea of being with Obito, yet I still feel like I should get away from him. I have been trying to avoid him but he still finds me in the same place because I can't find any other place to hide, or rather I don't want to. He knows that the only reason I haven't been able to find a new hiding place is because I am just to scared of the consequences in doing so, like him not being able to find me.

"Mika, why do you keep running from me? I only had one chance before, but I feel like I don't have that chance anymore with you running away like this."

"I don't care, Obito. I just don't care okay!" I had never yelled at him before and now I feel like I'm going to cry because I just did for the first time.

"Uh, M-Mikari... why are you doing this, I thought you still loved me, what happened to the Mika I knew, what is wrong with that Mika, why are you trying to get rid of her, Mikari listen to me, Mika--mmm" I didn't know what happened to the girl he knew but if anything I can at least try to get her back. I had just enough nerve to kiss him and I thought he would have pulled away but from the moment we locked lips he started to put his arms around me pulling me closer.

---Time skip---

I was waiting for the others with Obito by my side. Obito has been following me around a lot more now and I think it's from the day in the forest that caused that. I was sitting on the grassy ground while Obito was on his knees playing with my hair like a little school girl would, I didn't mind though.

"Mika, you have stopped running for good alright?"

"Yes, Obito, I have." I stood up after I said this because I sensed danger nearby.

""What is it, Mikari? Is something wrong?"

"Yeah, I sense danger somewhere close... I sense the others now though so we're fine."

I love you, Obito Uchiha 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum