Chapter 6: My love for you

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"Obito!" I yelled in laughter.

"What! We gotta have a tickle fight sometime don't we?" Yes we were having a tickle fight, we were in his room and he had me crying I was laughing so hard. I couldn't break away from him because he had me pinned down on the mattress.

"Obito, s-st-stop it I-I can-can't br-breath!" I said laughing hard.

"What's the magic word, Mika? I haven't heard you say it yet." He teased.

"I-I l-lo-ve y-you, Obito!... I give!!!" I yelled. He stopped and looked at me with a triumphant smile knowing he won. "I love you, Obito. Even if you are mean." I said looking away from him.

"If I was mean do you think I would do this..." He tilted my face so I was looking at him again and then he gently kissed my lips. "I love you, too, Birdie." He kissed me again but this time he teased me and licked my lips making butterflies flurry in my gut. "Why can't we do this everyday?" He asked when he stopped playing with me.

"Because we have a team and Kakashi might try to get in the way even though he knows I'll kick 'im.. where it counts."

"Good point." Then we set off to the training grounds where our teem would be waiting.

"Why are you always late Obito Uchiha...Mika too! That's a shocker."

"I was with him, what did you expect? Me to just leave him alone? JEEZ! I can't ever catch a break can I?"


"Shut up Kakashi Hatake, or I'll kick your ASS!"

"Watch the language, Mikari."

"Sorry Sensei." I quickly added.

"What were you doing anyway?"Rin asked.

"Nothing of your concern so don't ask again, got it?"

We trained sparing with each other for the entire time. Obito and I, and Rin and Kakashi. Me and Obito fought hard and it got bad faster than planed.

Obito used the infamous Fire Ball Jutsu and when I blocked it with my chakra shield I had already lost to much of my chakra so guess what happened when I tried to block. I was throne back into a rock because I didn't have enough chakra to keep my shield planted in the ground.

The first thing I heard when my body connected with the wall was Obito and the others calling my name.

Then I blacked out...

Obito P.O.V.

I don't know what happened but when my fire ball died down I saw Mikari had been thrown against the rock behind her and as she went down we all called her name and ran over.

"What the hell did you do baka!" Kakashi yelled.

"It wasn't me she didn't have enough chakra to maintain her shield and I didn't know!" I yelled in panic.

Mikari P.O.V.

All I could hear was mumbles and my name and I knew who was crying harder than hell could burn... Obito.

I love you, Obito Uchiha 2Where stories live. Discover now