Chapter Seven

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< Chapter Seven, Chimera >


weeks passed we had no time to figure out what was happening to me to busy dealing with other dread doctors issues, but i was healed in ways my dad had a test done and i was completely healed no more frontotemporal dementia i guess that was the one good news i also had complete control on full moons but the super moon was coming up soon and it's my second moon as a werewolf.



"you alright it being the super moon and all?" scott asked

"yeah i'm fine maybe it's because i'm not an actual werewolf but i don't even feel it, do you?"


"what's it like?"

"don't worry about that you're lucky you don't feel it"

"yeah i guess i'm gonna go thanks for the help"

"another secret date with theo?"

"no i'm going to check on liam super moon not sure he's ready"

"i should shouldn't i?"

"no focus on you i got this"

"you are the best"

"i know, see you tonight" i smiled and left

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i walked in liams room who was playing video games with mason.

"what game you playing?" i asked

"do you really care?" mason smiled

"no just came to check up"

"how are you with the whole chimera thing?"

"not loving it but not hating it"

"oh crap i have to go" liam got up in a rush

"what where?"

"hayden and i have plans"

"awe how cute"

"you shouldn't be saying anything you and theo"

"don't just go have fun and remember if you lose control call me or scott"

"got it" he ran out

"you know you're like the parent of the pack right?"

"no more like the most mature and best"

"got any plans?"


"well brett has been asking about you"

"and you know i'm sort of with theo"

"sort of?"

Dead To Me; Theo Raeken Where stories live. Discover now