Chapter Eleven

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< Chapter Eleven, what's the plan? >


"theo it's been days why am i still here?" i asked still paralyzed

"believe it or not callie i'm trying to protect you"

"really? this is your idea of protecting? real funny way of showing it you know keeping me paralyzed"

"don't worry as soon as the beast is stopped you'll be able to leave"

"like i believe that" i rolled my eyes

"you can't hate me forever"

"no i can and i will"

"fine i have to go" he walked away

i felt my fingers move i looked down to see them moving slightly i tried to get up but couldn't, i moved my head a little, this can't be happening! i thought to myself, the one time i get close to someone and trust them they betray me

"looks like someone's having a bad day huh?"

i turned my eyes towards the voice "erica?"

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i keep trying to move but only my fingers would make movements

"ugh still trying that?"

"shut up!" i hissed

"come over here and make me... oh that's right you can't"

"you aren't even real"

"i don't know cal i seen pretty real"

"you're in my head it's my mind playing tricks on me"

"ding, ding, ding!"

"go away"

"i would but i'm stuck here kind of like you are you know cause you can't move"



i sighed "what do you want?"

"i want you to get your pathetic ass up"

"i can't! maybe you missed the fact i'm paralyzed"

"you've been paralyzed by a kanima before when you were human you were a lot stronger then"

"screw you"

"no" she walked closer to me "screw you" she leaned towards me "oh i'm so helpless i can't believe theo betrayed me Boo-hoo get over it and get up so you can help your friends"

my legs moved "what the?"

"is that all you got? your friends might die and you get excited over your legs moving"

i got up and leaned on the metal table beside me i looked up and erica was gone

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i slowly walked out of the tunnels i eventually got to scott's house he opened the door.

"callie?" he hugged me

"are you alright?" i asked

"me? are you callie you've been gone for days"

"i know theo had me paralyzed in the tunnels"

"i'm so sorry i should have helped you"

"no i'm fine how's stiles and everyone else?"

"we got lydia out of eichen house stiles is with her now"

"good" i smiled then fell to the ground passing out

i woke up on scott's bed i walked downstairs.

"callie you shouldn't be up"

"i'm fine i need you to explain to me everything that happened while i was gone"

Dead To Me; Theo Raeken Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя