Chapter Twelve

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< Chapter Twelve, trouble >


scott filled me in on what happened since i've been gone

"wait so you believed theo?"

"i don't think he's lying about this you were supposed to be the beast that was the plan they're scared of you cal they created something so powerful without meaning to you terrify them"

"i don't believe it and what's the beast?"

"we're still figuring it out theirs a lacrosse game tonight we know the beast will show up we're trying to get it canceled"

"why this is your chance to figure it out i sure as hell want to"

"it's to dangerous"

"got it i'll be there just in case and seriously scott don't trust theo no matter what it's about" i walked away and went home

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i walked inside, i heard something break in my room i walked upstairs into my room i saw theo my eyes started glowing

"callie let me explain"

i ran to him and pinned him against the wall "theirs nothing to explain you kept me paralyzed and you lied to me"

"it was real okay i wasn't supposed to get close to you callie i betrayed you but i never lied"

"yes you did about the reason you came here and about you caring for me all you've done is lie"

"no i lied about why i came here but i never lied to you about how i felt"


"feel! feel callie i really like you"

i let him go and he fell to the ground "what do you want?"

"i'm assuming scott told you about what happened at Eichen house and everything that happened when you weren't here"

"you mean when you had me paralyzed? yeah"

"so you know about the beast and everything?"

"yes explain why you're here theo"

"i came to warn you not to go to the game tonight it'll sense your power callie it's obsessed with power"

"really? sounds like you"

"yeah your right i want power i tried to take scott's then i killed the other chimeras for theirs but i wouldn't hurt you"

"really have fun believing that lie, get out i have places to be" i pushed him out

"callie just listen to me" he started but i slammed the door in his face
"callie just listen you can't go, don't go to the game"

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I got to the lacrosse game i saw liam and went up to him.

"liam hey"

"callie hey where have you been?"

"long story, you know what's happening?"

"coach won't cancel the game the others are dealing with it"

"okay i'll be right back" i went to walk away

"just stay here the games about to start"

"fine" i went to the bleachers and sat beside hayden

the game started and i sat down shaking my leg and biting my nails.

"are you okay?" hayden asked

"yeah fine just anxious"

i saw news vans and a lady about to start broadcasting she pressed a button and a load noise came on causing everyone to close there ears i jumped off the bleachers stiles ran beside me

"beast?" i said confused

liam started ruining towards it

"liam no"

everyone started running away i went to stop liam but stiles grabbed my arm


i jerked away and ran towards liam as the beast threw him i caught him and we fell to the ground.

"ow" i helped him up and motioned
for stiles to come over and i put liams arm over my shoulder as did stiles "we gotta get him out of here now"

i started walking with him "dude you're really heavy" i sighed

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Dead To Me; Theo Raeken Where stories live. Discover now