Chapter Nineteen

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< Chapter Nineteen, Heartless >

Scott and the others walked outside for a minute leaving me
and theo

"you realize using you as bait is a terrible idea right?"

"why do you care?"

"believe it or not i do care about you"

"well then you should hope you weren't lying about how powerful i am"

"i wasn't lying but cal you have no practice you don't even know what you can do"

"then maybe once my life is in danger my reflexes will kick in"

he walked closer to me "just try and lnot get yourself killed" he smiles

"no promises" i returned the smile he leaned in to kiss me

"okay everyone ready?" scott walked in and i pulled away theo let out a small sigh

"yep let's get this done" i smiled my mind kept telling me it was a good thing scott walked in trusting theo was one of the worst yet best mistakes i made.

___________ ☆ ___________

i stood in the spot waiting i was getting nervous the ghost rider appeared i ran in the cage the ghost rider followed i walked out the other way and liam shut the gate and scott tried to do the same with the other but it wouldn't budge

theo ran in and helped the ghost rider grabbed him i ran over and tried to pull him over

"keep closing it"  he let out a groan in pain i finally pulled him out and we fell

theo smiled at me and i pushed him off

mason put down the mountain ash and ran out

"plans working"

"we did it" everyone smiled

"now what do we do?" theo asked

"try and talk to him" scott answered

"mr. ghost rider" liam stepped forward and we all looked at him liam cleared his throat "mr rider we'll let out if you tell us how to get our friends back"

"everyone we want everyone back" scott corrects

"tell us how to get them all back"

"this is the plan?"

"there wasn't a plan for this part of the plan"

"it's okay look we got him trapped he can't get out we just have to figure out how to communicate with him, maybe he can hear us"

"maybe he speaks an ancient language" i joked

"maybe he only responds to pain" theo stepped forward

"or fear" liam suggested

"nothings gonna scare this thing look at it he's a walking corpse"

Dead To Me; Theo Raeken Where stories live. Discover now