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"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will."- George Bernard Shaw.

Grayson's  POV

I promised myself that I wouldn't stare at her.... but I failed. I know that probably comes off as creepy but I just couldn't help it okay.

I willed myself not to look at her or anything but I did exactly that yesterday, during lunchtime.

I'm blowing my chances... aren't I?

I wouldn't say it's my fault, It was just on instinct. Besides I was lost in thought, thinking of how to make her like me.

I mean, how we can start a bouncy friendship? You know, good impressions, small talks here and there, natural conversations. Friendship as my nanny suggested.

Yesterday at lunchtime, immediately after my friends and I sat down I noticed ginger hair who's called Ashley... found out today.

Ashley!!.... has a nice ringing to it.

Well.... she and her other friend whose name is Camilla by the way, were standing not too far from the table my friends and I took our seats on. Camilla with a frown on her face had the deadliest glare towards the table. An involuntary shudder creeps up my spine watching fire blaze in her eyes and smoke emanate from her ears and nostrils, imaginarily.

Whoa !!! What's happening?

Ashley had her gaze roaming around the cafeteria.

Were they about to take the table?

I nudge Pierson who had his earphones plugged. After a few seconds of nudging, he takes the earphones out of his ears with a What?!! look on his face and Cole's gaze snaps to us.

I nod my head and both of them turn their heads, attention now drawn to the two girls. They both snap their gaze back to me with brows furrowed in confusion.

"You see the two girls standing there..."  I point  "...the ginger-haired and the brunette,"  they both look back at the girls again "don't they  look pissed?" I ask.

"Y-e-a-h?" Pierson answers wondering what I'm aiming at  "....especially the brunette" he adds.

"Kind of ..." Cole answers and after a few seconds of wondering in confusion he turns to look at me with questioning  brows  "..why that question though?"

Should I let them know? It's not like they'll do something about it.

"Nothing," I say "I just felt like you should know."

"Really? Man!!" Cole looks at me with a bored look on his face while Pierson just chuckles, shaking his head he goes back to whatever he was doing.

I watch Ashley and Camilla walk over to another table close to us.

Oh, so they were actually looking for a table.

My nanny always insists on packing lunch for me despite my resistance and yesterday wasn't an exception.

'School food can't compare to homemade specialty', she always says.

She always packs lunch for Pierson and Cole as well and it's not like they mind, they love her cooking.

We all brought out our food and dug in. Midway through with my food my mind involuntarily switched to what my nanny said, automatically my gaze snapped to her table. I watched as  Ashley ate her food with no care in the world. 

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