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The best way to predict the future is to invent it - Alan kay

Third Person's POV

It was time for Ashley to visit Grayson once more before the weekend came to a close. Flustered she felt, all warm in her insides, at the thought of practicing her lines with him. She thought about how earlier she teased him over text and how funny it was to her. She laughed hard when she realized he had felt bad for something she was just joking about. It was cute to her.

Cam was still with her at home, she hadn't left yet. She promised she would go back home once the day was over. For now, Dylan, Cam, and Lucas were downstairs watching TV, Ashley was supposed to be a part of them but she decided to take a nap instead.

After she woke up from her nap, she realized it was about time she headed for Grayson's place. She quickly freshens up and dresses up in a sweatshirt and pants before heading downstairs.

"Lucas, I have to be at Gray's place in thirty." She interrupts their movie, and all eyes turn in her direction, even Dylan's.

"Okay." He says, "Let's go then," getting up from the couch."

"Take our car, instead." Dylan interrupts, referring to his and Ashley's car that got spoilt that faithful morning Lucas was to attend their school for the first time. It had been fixed and was brought in today. "We need to test it in order to be sure it's been fixed properly."

Ashley wasn't too sure how to answer that, so she turned to Lucas to confirm with him if it was okay to use their car and for Dylan to drive instead. He nods at her in approval and she sighs before replying.

"Okay. But first I want to eat something before we leave." Dylan nods and goes back to watching. She wants both her cousin and brother to get along real bad yet she doesn't know what to do or how to make it happen.

She turns to Cam only to find her staring at Lucas with intensity. Taking closer steps to Cam, she snaps her fingers in Cam's face immediately after she is close enough to do so.

Cam comes out of her intense gaze and looks up at Ashley in surprise, wondering how she got there. "What?!"She asks and Lucas' head turns in their direction.

"Nothing!," Ashley shakes her head smiling and Lucas turns his attention back to the TV. "Come with me." She pulls Cam out of her seat and drags her to the dining table, "Will you tag along today too?" She asks, knowing fully well that her friend would, since now she's got herself a male best friend and all.

A smirk appears on Cam's face, "Yep!." She says smirk turning into a grin.

"Sit." Ashley commands and Cam complies by pulling out a chair and sitting on it.

Cam chuckles finding her friend's behavior weird. She furrows her brows in confusion, "Why did you bring me all the way here? What's going on in your head?"

"Are you having a crush on Pierson, now?" Ashley asks as she bats her lashes.

At this, Cam starts laughing. "What did you say? Repeat it again." She fans herself with her palms as she blows air from her mouth, shaking her head, a pinch of drama.

Ashley rolls her eyes before taking a seat herself, "You heard me clearly, I know you did."

"Well, to answer your question, No! I do not have a crush on Pierson, he's just my newfound friend as you know already, Dante is my crush. Dante Bowe!! Dante Bowe!!. Do you get my point?"

"Okay, okay, I think I do," Ashley says yet deep down she had a feeling it was a cover-up just to obscure who she actually liked.

"You're welcome," Cam says getting up.

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