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I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else - C.S Lewis

Ashley's POV

Why today of all days? The pain was hitting me in different places, a girl's pain. It was just too much to handle that Cam had to ask for permission from the principal so she could take me home after I stayed at the school clinic for a while.

Grayson had worry etched on his face as we left them to continue with lunch. I didn't have it in me to tell him what was actually wrong. I mean how was I to put, say, 'Hey, I'm on my period and the abdominal pain is crazy, sheesh."

Well, that sounds... eew and just No No. I have some dignity, thank you very much. But one thing I'm certain of is that Cam assured him that I was okay, yet that didn't stop him from blowing up my phone with messages.

I wake after a quite long nap to find a few missed calls and about a dozen messages.

'Hey.'- 4:00pm.

'How are you?'- 4:05pm.

'Are you fine now?'- 4:07pm.

'Are you okay?' – 4:10pm.

'Should I come and see you?'- 4:15pm.

'I'm heading to your place right now.'- 4:20pm.

Wait!! He's c-coming here?

This message was sent twenty minutes ago, he's probably close by now.

No no no, I'm a mess right now, I can NOT see him. He can NOT see me in this state of mine.

"I'm fine now, I'm okay now." I quickly text.

"I'm here." A reply text comes through immediately.

No shit sherlock!

Quickly rushing out of bed, I look into my mirror.

Goodness! I look and feel like crap.

Wait I could pretend to still be asleep. Nooo, I just texted him a while ago, Ash, how believable!

What to do?

What to do?

_ _



Guess what happened? My parents probably thought I was still asleep and unwell, hence he didn't get to see me. I guess they made small conversation with him before he left, I could hear them all the way from my room, their laughter and all. I so love my parents, they're literal life savers. When everywhere was calm and devoid of laughter, I received a text from him saying he just left my house and he hoping I get better. I decided that I would reply to that tomorrow. Just as I was about to put my phone away, a message comes through, I check to find it was from Devi.

Oh no, I forgot all about the ice cream date.

"I'm sorry , won't be able to make it, something came up."

"Are you okay though?"

"Yeah. I'm really sorry, I'll make it up to you."

"No problem."

I get down from the bed and walk to the bathroom. I enter and take a long hot shower. By the time I was out, the pain seemed to have subsided. After putting on some pajamas, I descend to the kitchen to get myself some warm chocolate drink. Upon arrival, Mom was busy singing whilst doing the dishes. She turns towards me almost like she felt my presence and when her gaze lands on me, she drops the half washed plate in the sink, cleans her hand with a napkin and comes to me.

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