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You can never be too old to create a new dream and achieve a new goal. - C.S lewis.

Grayson's POV

I leave Ashley's house with the widest smile ever on my face. I was feeling way better now compared to how I've felt in the past few days, days that felt like years. Way better than how I felt with a heavy heart before coming to her house.

I'm elated, to say the least, said she'd take me back.  We'll finally be together again after everything, the turmoil. We'd get to be together, but only if I apologise to Devi and talk to my mom, forgive her and let go of everything, forget the past. That was Ashley's  condition. I will, do exactly as she has said, apologise to Devi for punching him, and talk to mum. Her request's quite easy, far easy compared to hollowness I've experienced. I never want to feel that again.

Right about now, I'm back at  Cole's house shoving my stuff into my bag. My aim now, is to go back home, as much as I don't want to, I still have to. My relationship is at stake here. I will do what she says as long as I'll get to be with her. That's more than enough.

And... when I saw her in a towel wrapped around her body, I felt paralysed to the core, my senses heightened. My eyes felt glued to her exposed legs and bare shoulders. I didn't mean to but I ended up staring at her for far too long than I thought possible. If not for her calling out my name, I wonder if I would have snapped out of it, probably not. You can't blame me. My body was reacting differently towards her, a way I've never felt before, not in the entire time we dated. I'll tell you what, it felt like some sort of renewed attraction towards her. A sudden stronger likened-passion, way better than the former.

Some minutes of driving and I finally arrive home.

When I enter, my attention is drawn to figure seated on the couch, a laptop on his lap, as his fingers worked their way on the keyboard, typing away furiously, eyes squinted in concentration.


As I made my way over to him, he lifts his head and makes eye contact with me, I might be wrong but something like relief heightened his features. He quickly tosses the laptop aside and stands on his feet. He threw his arms over me when I got closer.
I wanted to, hug back, yet it wasn't an action I've been used to, so I don't, hug back. I remain, my arms stilled at my sides.

It takes a few seconds and he pulls away and gazes into my eyes, worry latching on to his every feature, "Where have you been?"

I smile in reassurance, to ease his worry, he doesn't deserve the stress. "Cole's place." I mutter.

He sighs, "I'm glad you're back."

"Yeah," I say and he gives a small smile. "Where's she?" I ask.

A moment of confusion ensues, "Who?"

The word kept resounding in my ears, it felt stuck not knowing how to say it but then with much scolding and talking to myself, I utter "Mum." It did feel weird saying it, it felt so odd rolling off my tongue.

A momentary look of surprise crosses his face.

"She's not here. I can ca.."

"Goodnight dad." I cut him off, saying.

I climb the stairs and head for my room, shutting the door gingerly behind me. I drop my things and walk towards my drawer. Pulling it out, I pick up the picture frame, one I've kept there for as long as I can remember. It was a picture of my once beautiful family.  In it was my mom, dad and I.  My toothless grin shows just long it has been, I was still young when everything changed. Mom had her fingers buried in my hair as she smiled, her skin, flawless, milky and glowing almost like she was just a teenager, which wasn't the case. Her bright blue eyes shone in happiness. Dad looked a tad young too both of them was crouched to my level, mom's hand was  Dad had his arm around my shoulders.

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