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"Imagination is the beginning of creation.  You imagine what you desire,  you will what you imagine and at last, you create what you will." -George Bernard Shaw

Ashley's POV 

I went back to the house after Grayson left and immediately I did, I came face to face with Lucas and Dylan's curious gazes.

It's time to tell them.

"You were right," I say and Dylan raises his brows at more.

"Grayson and I are together," I say and a smile stretches on Lucas' lips.

"Finally," Luc mutters and I raise one brow at him.

I was about to talk but then Dylan's voice stopped me, "So why did you deny it?"

I walk towards the couch and take it.

"Honestly, I don't know. It just came out like that."

"You know how hurtful that might have sounded to him?" Dylan asks, a frown on his lips.

"I know, I didn't mean to. I've apologized to him." I say in expectance that he understands.

"And what did he say?" his frown doesn't lessen even a tad.

"That it was okay," I answer honestly.

"That's exactly what he'd say. You don't expect him to say otherwise, do you? He wasn't okay, okay? As much as he may have said he was, he wasn't. Little sis, you're starting this on the wrong foot already." He sighs, "If I were in his shoes, I would be contemplating if you like me because denying him doesn't look like it."

"But I already apologized and he said he it was okay."

He shakes his head at me and Lucas chips in, "Just be careful with your actions and inactions. I think he genuinely likes you." To say I was shocked would be an understatement.

"Exactly." Dylan nods his head in agreement.

I sigh before saying, "Okay."

I thought everything was okay but boy I was so wrong, because the next I knew, Dylan was asking for more info. "I want to know how it happened and how come you didn't inform us." He asks, a knowing look on his face.

So I tell them everything when and how it happened.

"So why didn't you tell us?" Lucas asks.

I raise my brows at him because his interest in this matter baffles me. "Luc, remember you didn't like him when you first attended school with us. You literally had a so-called nice conversation with him on your first day." I air quote, "He was the only boy that seemed to be coming close to me yet you didn't like it. You were acting like the overprotective brother I never wanted, remember?" I shoot him a look and he only chuckles.

"That was then, but now I know better. He's a genuine good guy. Besides, do you also remember yourself warning me to back off? I did that."

"Of course! I do. But with the way you acted, some people were starting to think you were my possessive boyfriend instead of my supposed cousin."

"What?!!" Both Dylan and Lucas yell out, laughter following next, their uproar of laughter, loud.  They continued to laugh to the point where Dylan had to clench his tummy cause it hurt from all the laughter.

To my best knowledge this isn't supposed to be funny, is it? It's just gross to think of Lucas and me like that. Eeeew, Incest!!

"That's ridiculous," Luc says after their laughter session slowly dies off.

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