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If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world - C. S Lewis

Ashley's POV

Friday night, the night of fun. A night to chill, relax and forget about the rest of your worries. This night we've decided to have some fun, so here we are, at a party with loads of student here. After the guys find us a spot, we head for it and make ourselves comfortable. The music was raving mad, so loud.

"Tonight, we're going to loosen up so be ready for it." Yvie says pointing her finger in my face.

I laugh, "Why aren't you pointing at Cam, why me, what of Cam?"

"Of course, she's included, but you're the one who'd object most of the time. Well today I'm taking no excuse."

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

After chatting up a bit and mingling for a while, "We're going to dance. Come on!" Yvie pulls Cam and I out of our seats.

"We just came here. Yvie, chill." Cam says but she wasn't having it as she drags both of us to the dance floor upon all our protests.

We had no choice but be at the dance floor which was packed with other people, dancers. As the loud music blasts, we move our bodies to the rhythm of the song. Involuntarily my gaze lands on Lucas who had his eyes trained on us, especially on Cam who was dancing without a care in the world, screaming the lyrics of the song and swaying her hips in accordance.


My eyes continue its journey and lands on Grayson, he was watching me, a kind of intensity swirling in his eyes, and a satisfied smile displayed on his lips. A blush creeps up my neck as I started feeling extremely self-conscious, I quickly avert my gaze and continue my lame excuse of a dance.

"Whooooooo!" Yvie screams and releases her hair, letting it loose and allowing it to flow at her back, making her more radiant than she already was.

A minute or so passes by, "I'll be right back." Cam says and leaves Yvie and I at the dance floor.

Third Person's POV

Immediately Cam leaves the dance floor, Lucas follows her, but at a reasonable distance, with the intent to ward off any horny guys that might try to hit on her or do something inappropriate, in case there were any, but what he was not expecting was to catch her in the act of gulping down alcohol like it was nothing, water even. He stood there, and watched her. She was about to drink from another cup after finishing the first one when his voice stops her.

"What are you doing?" He utters softly, trying not to scare her. She halts, immediately, cup stuck mid-air and turns around.

I love you

The voice rings in her head. She could literally hear how he sounded on the phone, almost like he just uttered it, but truth is, he didn't. Her heart starts beating frantically and her palms start to feel like they're sweating. She was feeling hot all of a sudden. Her nerves were wracking as he closes the distance between them, taking the cup out of her hand.

With more intensity in his eyes, he asks again, "What are you doing?"

"I- uh, drinking?" She avoids his gaze.

"I see."

The atmosphere was charged between them. They couldn't utter a word to each other, their words were stuck in their throats. Her body was reacting to his closeness, tingling due to his proximity. She looks up at gaze resting on his handsome face. Her gaze involuntarily flickers to his lips and she suddenly forgets herself and get lost in wandering. Without realizing it, her palm was already reaching out to touch his face, when it finally gets in contact with his cheek, the tingles shooting up within her entire being reminded her of what could happen if she didn't stop right there, but she was lost in his beauty and there was no turning back. She was too far gone. Her other hand finds his neck and without wasting time lowers his head to connect their lips together. She had missed him, she couldn't deny that fact. She moves her lips against his, gets so lost in kissing him that she didn't realize he wasn't kissing back. She came back to her senses when she finally realized he wasn't reciprocating the action. Embarrassed by her sudden actions, she pulls away and takes a step back. She turns her back to him, not wanting to meet his eyes.

"I'm so s-orry, I shouldn't have." She mutters.

"Princess, you don't have to be..." She doesn't wait for him to finish when she briskly walks away and finds the washroom. He chases after her.

She shuts the door behind her and leans against the door. One of her hand goes to her thumping heart and the other, finger touches her lips that were pressed on Lucas' a few minutes ago on. She cusses.

How could she let herself get weak?, that wasn't what she anticipated at all, after all wasn't she the one who said no physical form of affection and now what, she broke it?

Ugh! It sucks having it bad for someone, doesn't it?

He didn't even kiss back. How embarrassing!

What now?

After taking her time to scold herself and calm down, she exits the washroom. She lifts her head only to find Lucas standing right there, at the entrance. She was about to re-enter when he pulls on her hand. Her body collides with his and a gasp escapes her lips at the contact. She pushes on his chest and he lets go reluctantly.

He looks at her, "Let's talk, please," his vulnerability radiating off him like perfume.

She nods her head, and follows after him.

He finds them an empty room and when they enter, he collects both of her hands into his, "I'm sorry. I know I can't change my past but I promise to be better. Please give us another chance."

She takes her hands out of his. "You ask for another chance yet you didn't kiss back when I kissed you, why?" She faces him with a frown on her face.

"I really wanted to, but remember you said no form of physical touch. I just couldn't risk it. It was very hard thinking when your lips were on mine but I had to, I didn't want you breaking up with me because I failed to keep my promise."

"But I was the one who initiated it." She folds her arms over her chest.

"I know and I'm sorry, I was scared of the consequences imagine if I gave in. Thought it might be you testing me to see if I'd stick to my promise."

"It wasn't!"

"Now I know."

"Are you sure it was just that? Or you don't like me anymore?"

"What are you saying? Of course I still like you..." His hand trails patterns on her her cheek, "very much. Can I..." His breath fans her lips.

She couldn't help it anymore as she presses her lips to his. His body immediately responds as his arms encircles her waist and presses her body even more closer to as he kisses her fervently with a longing. Her hands roams his hair, and she slightly pulls at its tendrils messing the whole thing up. When they pull apart their lips were swollen and they were panting for breath.

He places his forehead on hers. He pulls away and stares at the beauty before him, the one who's captured his heart. He inches his face closer to her and brushes his lips against hers. The temptation was too much to take that he found himself kissing her for the second time again, this time around at a much slower pace, with so much passion. She lets out a sound and he smirks against her lips and pulls away, a wide smile on his face.

"So... we're okay?" he asks and she nods not trusting herself to utter a word after the moment they shared just seconds ago.

He smiles even broader, entwines their hands and they exit the room. As they walk past other students, Cam's gaze wanders and finally lands on the dance floor which now fully packed with more students than it had before.

She pulls Lucas to the dance floor against his protests. "Let's dance."

"Come on, just move your body." She laughs at a confused looking Lucas. She grabs both his hands and wiggleshis body.

When he wasn't budging, "Don't be such a party pooper."

He smiles, "Baby, I can literally do anything, but dancing, is definitely not my call."

"Okay how about this," she twirls and now her back was against him. She grabs his hand and places it around her stomach. "Move along with me." She goes up down and sideways, he moves accordingly.

"I can surely stay like this forever." He whispers into her neck and she giggles.



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