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Believe, and as if it were impossible to fail - Charles Kettering.

Third Person's POV

"And the cycle continues," Cam mutters, "Never have I farted in public and pretended it wasn't me."

They all burst out laughing at how crazy that sounded.

"Oh come on." Pierson says in between laugh, "Everyone literally has, whether a mistake or intentional."

"Drink if you have." Cam says defiantly.

"Who openly comes out to say they're the ones who mistakenly farted. What are you supposed to say, 'Hey everyone! I'm the one who just farted, hope you don't mind'." Dylan says and laughter could be heard among them.

Anyways everyone else pick up their cups to drink.

"Never have I ever...." Lucas starts, "stolen from my parents."

"I obviously have." Cam mutters.

"I mean who doesn't." Dylan says.

"I have." Yvie picks up her cup, "I mean what do you do when they say no to you when you really really want that particular something." And drinks.

"Definitely have." Pierson chuckles, shaking his head, "Always have. I'm proud to say, I still do." He drinks from his cup.

"You're the worst of them all crazy." Cam mutters.

He smirks hitting his chest, "Proudly."

"Guys!!" Dylan says, "Never have I ever had a crush on someone."

"Have too." He picks his cup.

"Yeah right!" Pier.

"I have." Anne mutters.

Literally everyone drinks.

"Guys I think the pizza guy is in. We can continue this game some other time. What do y'all say."


After munching on several boxes of pizza, they were so full and engaged into conversation whilst they watches Vampire diaries.

Anne again sits beside Grayson at his other side whilst Ashley sists at his side. While watching, she holds his hand. He takes it off but she complains of being cold and needing warmth so she takes his hand back and he allows it. He was feeling uncomfortable and uneasy about it, besides he didn't know how Ash would feel about it. Ash was busy watching and making small conversations with Yvie who was seated beside her, when her eyes snapped to Grayson and Anne's entwined hands. That same feeling from before shot through her as a certain type of emotion left a bitter taste in her mouth. The sight before her was heart shattering to say the least. She was getting livid by the second. She clenches her fists and tries to takes in a breath to calm herself down. She shuts her eyes and counts from one to five. When she felt she was okay, she snapped her attention to the movie before them.

After an hour later, the episode was over, Grayson pecked Ashley on her cheek muttering a goodnight before climbing the stairs to go into his shared room.

He was halfway up the stairs when Anne calls him, he halts and turns. She runs towards him and nearly fell right in front of him but he steadies her by holding her waist. She giggles and when she was okay and studied, she looks at him with the widest smile, one that reaches her eyes, She batts her lashes as she tucks her hand behind her ear, "I'm sorry that I am clumsy."

"Uh.." He didn't know what to say.

"I know you don't like clumsy girls." She mutters.

He was confused, his brows furrowing and mind trying to comprehend what she meant by that. "I-t's okay."

"Thank you." She mutters smile still intact.

"What'd want to say?" he asks.

"Goodnight." And then pecks his cheeks unexpectedly.

Just a friendly peck. He tells himself.

Ashley on the other hand was shaking with jealousy. She was mad just watching Anne peck her boyfriend, on his cheek. It was really getting to her.

Grayson unawares of his girlfriend's boiling rage continues his journey to his room.

"Princess," Lucas says, "I get to sleep in your room with you, right?"


He frowns, "I don't understand."

"We don't get to sleep in the same room."


"Ashley and Yvie will."

"But it's your house, don't you want me by your side." He pulls her closer and pecks her cheek. He was about to peck her again but she pushes him away.

"Stop!" she bites hard on her lip but not enough to draw blood. Ashley needed her, she can't be selfish.


"We're not sleeping in the same room, that's just it. Plus it's a girls room, only girls are allowed. Go go go." She says. "I'm sorry." She stands on her tippy toes and peck his cheeks and his brows. "Goodnight. Go sleep with the boys. Remember to dream about me."

With a deep frown on his face, he walks away, not responding to her goodnight.

_ _

It was morning, Grayson wakes up due to someone vigorously shaking him. He pries his eyes open only to find Anne staring down at him. He gets up into a sitting position only to notice her wearing a baggy shirt that was barely mid-thigh.

"What are you doing here?" He croaks out. She batts her lash continuously without answering and he was beginning to wonder what was wrong. He notices as she bites her lips, red coating her cheeks. Her gaze flickers to his chest and he follows her trail. He lowers his head only to find out that he was shirtless. He quickly snatches his shirt from the bed and pulls it over his head.

That was when she decided to speak, "I'm hungry. Can you help me get food?"

He awkwardly gets down from the bed. "Okay. I'll be waiting for you by my car. Go change."

"Okay." She smiles and with that she storms out.

_ _

Thirty minutes later they both come back with breakfast for everyone. Pierson and a few others were already awake, Ashley included. They were at the living room.

She hears the sound of a car and was curious to know who it was, she stands by the window and peeps outside. Anne and Grayson walks out of the car, smiling. A second later, they were both laughing about something Grayson said. She felt a pang in her chest. She leaves the window.



What's up?

Soooo..... my celebrity crush or should I say my star crush is Dante Bowe. I don't know how many of you know him. Do you know him? I hope you do.

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