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Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do - John wooden.

Grayson's POV

An hour after speaking to Cam, I decided that I had stayed long enough. If Ashley wasn't going to talk to me, then I couldn't be under the same roof as her, knowing fully well she was just a huff of breath away, It's just pure torture. I needed to get home quick to clear my head and emotions that was everywhere. Besides Anne didn't look like she was enjoying being here, she'd been pestering me to take her home a while ago. Yvie wasn't downstairs with us so I texted her letting her know I was leaving and if she wanted to join.

'Will Anne be joining too?' She replies my text and at her words I inwardly shake my head. She'd definitely not go if I told her Anne's tagging along. But I can't lie to her either, or can I? too. Guess I have to opt for the truth.

Let me try to convince her, 'Yeah! But you guys might get along, who knows. Just come downstairs.'.

'Thanks! But I will PASS!!!' Comes her reply immediately.

I turn to Anne who was comfortably seated beside me, yawning out of boredom. From her posture, it's so obvious she's bored outta her mind and she might fall asleep any moment from now. Old habits die hard, don't they?

"Hey!" I snap my fingers in her face and she lifts her eyes to meet mine. "Let's go, let me drive you home."

"Finally!" She sighs, "I honestly thought I was going to pass out due to immense boredom. Is this how you guys have your sleepover?" she raises a brow at me and I nod my head in response. She scrunches up her nose, "It's so booring. Gosh!" She stretches her hand towards me, "Help me up."

I take her hand into mine and pull her to her feet and when she's studied, I turn to the rest, "Guys, we're heading home."

"So soon?!!" Pierson says.

"Yeah, Anne wants to go home. So see you guys later."

"Bye!" Dylan says.

"Later, man." Pierson says.

"Bye." Anne waves them and we head out for my car.

Immediately I drive out of Cam's neighborhood, from my peripheral vision I could feel Anne gazing at me as if she wanted to say something.

I turn to look at her, "You want to say something?"

"Why was your girlfriend.... " she taps her chin in thought, what's her name again?"


"Yeah, that one, she was acting really weird today. Is anything wrong with the two of you? Not to be inquisitive or anything but you were acting a tad off too."

"Nothing really."

"Are you sure?" She raises a brow at me.

"Yeah! It's just.... we just had a little misunderstanding, that's all."

"Oh I'm so sorry."

I force a smile, "It's okay."

"Couple's fight. I presume it's normal."

"Actually this is the first time this is happening."

"Really?! Then it must hurt."

"It does!"

"But do you know the source of all this?" My mind goes through a million number of possibilities as to why this is happening but then none of them really clicks.

"Honestly, I wish I knew so I we could patch things up, but I don't."

"I think no matter the situation, she shouldn't be ignoring you."

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