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I haven't failed, I've just found ten thousand ways that won't work - Thomas Edison.

Grayson's POV

Immediately her lips touched mine, the world quit making sense. All the hurt, insecurities and pain I've felt within these few days just fled out of the window. I've missed this, it's been so damn long.

I'm so glad that she finally patched things up between us. I'm shocked all this hassle we've been through is because of Anne. I guess it's a female instinct or so, I guess or the protective side of her. Who would have thought she'd have a possessive side to her? Never would I have imagined, she's always been Ms-I-don't-like-trouble kind of person, but I guess desperate times calls for desperate measure, doesn't it? Of course, it does. I can boldly say feelings mutual on my part. Because there are times I've wanted to tell ogling guys to seriously back off her. That possessive side of me that's hidden deep down somewhere sometimes literally feels like exposing its head just to warn guys off my girl, wants to rub it in their faces that she's mine, all mine, but then I never do. From time to time, she keeps telling me of that new male friend she acquired during that party- I get jealous every single time yet keep the bitter taste in mouth, swallowing it most times.

"My new friend....." She says as we swing our entwined hands, heading for class, "the one I met at the party." Not again, that dude?!! See! I told ya! Talking about him again, she's literally so intrigued of this male friend.

"Yeah?" I scrunch my face up a little but not long enough for her to notice.

"His name's Devi, ive told you countless times. He asked me to..." Her voice starts to drop "get ice cream with him today, after school." Her voice was only above a whisper now. Her eyes flickers between mine, she bites her lips, "Should I go?"

Should she go? Tsk! Like I have the right to stop her.

I don't!!

Well, this isn't an everyday expectation and as much as I'd like to, I could never get angry. Maybe at him-definitely not zat her- Levi, or whatever his name is. Sure as heck leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I mean the guy is literally asking her out, that is, if I'm not mistaken. Or am I?

"An ice cream date, hmm..." I tease.

She shakes her head and literally snaps in defence, "It's not."

"It's not?" I raise a brow at her and she cowers a bit.

"I promise, he knows I have a boyfriend," She rushes out and my brows deepen even more. "I promise." She adds.

I sigh, after a long while.

"Should I g-go? I guess he's just trying to be friends with me?" her voice lowers.

How naïve!

Guys often never want to be friends unless they want something or there's just something intriguing about you that they're drawn to.

As much as I don't like, like literally don't like the idea of her and another guy, I cannot stop her from hanging out with him. She's my girlfriend, right, but then it's her life. I love her but that doesn't mean I should stop her from befriending other male friends, as much as I would love that.

"Don't stay too long with him, okay?"

She squeals, "Sure! Thanks for understanding," and pecks my cheek. A smile automatically dances on my lips. God, I'm so lucky to have her, and the glow in her eyes, I'd love to see it day after day after day, non-stop, forever.

We enter the class and I walk her to her seat. She lets go of my hand and sits.

"Good morning." I greet Cam and she lifts her eyes from her phone to meet mine.

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