Chapter One: Bad Days and Bad Boys

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Chapter One – Bad Days and Bad Boys 

I suppose that I shouldn’t have been as happy as I was to see a twenty-one year old guy in his boxer-briefs as I was, but I couldn’t help it. As soon as the door swung open to reveal Iain standing in his tattooed glory, eating a bowl of cereal, with a case of serious bed head, I gave him a bear hug. 

“Thank god, I love you, you are my savior,” I said as I hugged him. 

“Love you too, kitten?” he said, his mouth full of cereal and his voice coming out as if it was a question. 

“If I had to take another minute of them bitching at each other, I was going to blow my brains out,” I said. 

Iain sat down on the couch with his cereal and I sat next to him, laying my legs over his. 

Iain dropped his spoon into his bowl of cereal with a loud clunk. 

“Aye, Kit, come inside, make yourself at home, hell, have some of my cereal,” Iain said, feigning annoyance. 

“Don’t mind if I do,” I said, taking a spoonful of his cereal and eating it, putting the spoon back in the bowl. He chuckled slightly to himself, and continued with his cereal.

“Is my brother here?” I asked. 

“...aye?” he said after a moment of silence, and that said it as if he wasn’t sure, then quickly clarified, “Yeah, he is, but I doubt you’d want to see him.”

“Is he? Are you sure?” I asked, chuckling, “You guys must have had a blast last night.”

“It wasn’t bad,” he chuckled. 

“So where’s your girl? I mean, Benny-Boy is still in bed with his, so where’s yours or did you kick her out already?” I laughed. 

“Whit’re you talking aboot, Kitten? My girl is right here,” he smirked, patting my legs that were strewn about his lap. I rolled my eyes and stole another bite of his cereal. 

“You wish,” I laughed. “Did you just wake up?” 

“Possibly,” he said. 

“It’s one in the afternoon,” I sighed. 

“In my defense, I was up awfy late last night and you cannae even complain when your brother is still in bed with his flavor of the night,” he said, “How late do you think you’ll be here?”

“What, trying to get rid of me already?” I laughed. 

“Aye,” he said, his eyes shining and teasing me.

“I don’t know I’ll probably leave sometime,” I said, “I just needed out of the house. I can’t take it. They fight all the time. They have some serious issues. Either they need to go to counseling or get divorced, but them fighting and bickering all damn day isn’t helping anything and neither is putting on the happy couple façade to save face in front of me.”

“They’re your parents. They’re just trying to do their best by you,” Iain shrugged. 

“Well I wish they wouldn’t.” Iain and I sat in a comfortable silence, watching TV for a while. 

Iain and my brother, Benson, had been best friends since kindergarten and they got into a brawl over crayons. Since then, they’d grown up. Throughout high school, they’d been the meticulous bad boys. Of course, they were attractive and dangerous, so naturally, girls loved them. Through their tough exterior, though, they were actually nice guys. I mean, once you looked past how they spent most of their senior year scaring guys away from me when I was a freshman, or how they could be pigs sometimes, they weren’t so bad. 

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