Chapter Thirty Six: Moving Out and Moving On

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SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I'M THE WORST HUMAN BEING EVER IN HISTORY I SWEAR IM SO SORRY. In other news, I'm done with my freshman year of college and I'm back home now for the summer so more stuff coming soon I promise I love you all 

Chapter Thirty Six: Moving Out and Moving On

I could hear Iain and Ben shouting at my parents downstairs. My parents shout back and I knew it wasn't pretty down there. All I'd been able to do was cry and pack my suitcase with clothes and bathroom essentials. Iain had held my hand the whole way here and made sure I made it upstairs to pack my stuff without seeing my parents. I just wasn't ready to face them.

I had just about everything packed. It took me two suitcases and two duffle bags along with my book bag stuffed to the brim, but I had everything. I sat on my bed and looked around the room I'd spent my childhood in. It wasn't as welcoming as it used to be and I felt really alone.

"Hey," Iain's deep voice said at my doorway, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," I mumbled out.

"Wait, you're not taking Mr. Teddy?" he asked, looking at my prized teddy bear. I'd lugged that poor stuffed animal with me everywhere I went until I turned twelve.

"No," I said, "It was a gift from my dad."

"I'm sorry," Iain said softly and swallowed hard.

"Besides, I have you," I said. He smiled and hugged me tightly, just that way I liked. He planted a kiss on my forehead.

"I know today has been a tough day, and you've had a lot of tough days recently, but I want you to know that I'll always be there for you. No matter what. I really mean that," Iain said, kissing the top of my head as I cried into his chest.

"I love you, Kitten. Never forget that."

"Ready to go?" Ben entered my room, and Iain let go of me. They both grabbed my stuff and I carried only my book bag out to Ben's car. Iain and Ben put my bags in the trunk and I hopped into the backseat. I watched as the house that held my best and worst memories disappeared in the distance we'd travelled. Ben and Iain didn't say anything. There was nothing left to be said. I didn't know what they said to my parents or what my parents said to them. I didn't care anymore. I just wanted to sleep for a few weeks and not get out of bed.

Ben drove us back to their apartment, and mine too, I guess. They carried in my bags and Iain made room for my clothes in his closet and dresser and left me to unpack. I put away my clothes and walked back out to the living room, pausing in the hallway when I heard Ben and Iain talking.

"I'm glad you've been getting along so well lately and I know I've put you guys through hell with this whole dating bit, but I really appreciate it. I'm honored to have you as my best friend," Ben said.

"It's not that big of a deal. I care about her," Iain said and I smiled to myself. I walked in and laid down on the couch, my head in Iain's lap, and my legs in Ben's.

"Thank you. For everything. I love you both," I said. They turned on the TV and we watched a bunch of chick flicks. Ben got up to make us some popcorn, and Iain planted a kiss on my lips.

"I love you," he said, "I'm gonna go for a smoke, okay?" I nodded and got up, walking into the kitchen where Ben was popping popcorn for our movie fest.

"It upset mom and dad when I told them I was taking you. I told them if they cleaned up their act then we could revisit the idea of you living with them, but that you'd at least be living her until the end of the school year," he said.


"Why didn't you tell me all this was going on?"

"Because I didn't want you to worry. You were just getting into a relationship with Olivia and she's so great for you. I really like her, and I can tell you do too. I just didn't want to make you have to deal with it all," I said.

"But you were okay with Iain dealing with it all?" he asked.

"I didn't want Iain to deal with it. He just was there at the wrong times and saw it firsthand. You know Iain. He was just always there. He knows when things are wrong, even when I'm trying my damn hardest to hide it," I said, "Don't tear yourself up about it. I didn't want to tell anyone. Iain just knew."

"Okay, but next time, tell me, please? I don't want secrets between us. I don't want you having to bottle all this up," He said and a pit sunk in my stomach.

"No more secrets," I agreed. Except for the one about me and Iain's relationship.

HEY IT'S ME AGAIN OKAY, NOW'S THE AWKWARD PART WHERE I ASK Y'ALL HOW MUCH SEX STUFF YOU WANT IN THE UPCOMING PARTS (also don't be shy, let's be honest, we all know that's what we're here for, it is an  M rated story after all) let me know the in comments and I'll upload more asap love you kthanksbye 

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