Chapter Twenty Two: Naked and Afraid

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S/O to my faves TimmyToots13 and Michelle1031 for commenting on every chapter you guys are the absolute best. 


Chapter Twenty Two: Naked and Afraid

My parents had been fighting all week. I kept having nightmares about Kain and the incident, only I wasn't always quick enough to get away... I hadn't slept in almost a week, and I was running on empty. There wasn't enough coffee in the world to make me feel like a human again. I needed sleep. There was that expression, 'sleep when you're dead,' but I hadn't slept in a week and I felt dead.

Mellie was out of town with her family visiting colleges, so I couldn't get away for sleep that way. Instead, I was stuck in the house where "Rick, you lazy piece of shit!" and "Rhonda, you raging bitch!" were considered amicable greetings.

I couldn't sleep at night in a hostile house. They never stopped fighting, and I just kept wondering about what might happen if I were to go to sleep in my house. Maybe Dad would take it too far and hit her—I mean, my dad had never been violent, but he'd never been a drunk before this year. Maybe Mom would be pushed too far and pack up and leave and I'd never see her again—it was also a stretch, but you never know it might happen.

And then there was the whole incident with Kain that replayed whenever I shut my eyes. I thought I was out of the woods about it, but I guess when a thing like almost getting raped happens to you, you can't just drop it like a hat. It sticks with you and becomes a part of you. Until it consumes your thoughts and dreams and you cringe at the idea of getting to sleep.

The last time I'd been able to sleep, I was sharing a bed with Iain...It couldn't be just coincidence, could it? Was I tired enough to test it? The bags under my eyes were painful, and I just really wanted some sleep, so I called Iain. Maybe he wouldn't mind if I borrowed his bed for a few hours.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Hey Iain," I said.

"Are you okay?" he asked, and I could hear typing in the background.

"I'm fine. My parents have been non-stop fighting for days, and I haven't slept. Could I come over and borrow your bed for a few hours?"

"Sure, I'm kind of busy working on my senior thesis, so as long as music won't bother you, you're more than welcome to come."

"I'll be there in a few minutes," I said happily and hung up.

The walk to Iain's apartment had never been so long in my life. I felt like everything was dragging on, but I guess that's what happens when you don't sleep for four days.

I walked up the three flights of stairs and walked into his apartment.

"I made it!" I said loudly.

Iain walked out in a hurry, "Ben and Olivia will be here any second. Want to piss off your brother?"

"Why not?" I asked. Iain pulled off his shirt and pants quickly, and I did the same, leaving on my bra and panties.

"Is that new?" he asked, pointing to my teal bra with bright green lace.

"Yeah, it's from Aerie. They were having a sale and--," I started, but he cut me off, picking me up and kissing me. I carefully wrapped my legs around his waist, and tangled my fingers in his hair as he kissed me. All it took was the feel of his lips on mine, and suddenly, I was little less tired.

Ben and Olivia walked in the door, and I heard Ben cuss under his breath.

"We're getting a room, don't worry," Iain said. Ben picked up our discarded clothing, and tossed it as us. I grabbed them as Iain carried me to his bedroom. He laid me gently on his bed, and I relaxed into the softness of his sheets.

"I'm so tired," I said, tossing the clothes onto the floor.

"Go to sleep, Kitten," Iain said.

"I should put my clothes back on, but I'm so tired," I yawned. Iain sat down at his laptop and the rhythmic typing of his laptop lured me to sleep. I tried not to be too upset about the fact that Iain was the thing that let me sleep. It would be just this once, and I would figure out a way to get over it. I was a girl, yes, and I was almost raped, but that doesn't mean that a guy has to be my saving grace.


"Hey! Do you guys want to order a pizza?" Ben's loud voice burst into Iain's room. Ben froze at the door, staring at me as I tried to blink the sleep out of my eyes.

"What the fuck? Why is my sister naked in your bed? You did not fuck my sister! Kit, please tell me that my so-called best friend did not take your virginity and have sex with you. If he did, I swear I will fucking--," Ben started yelling.

"We didn't have sex," I yawned, "I'm still a virgin."

"Iain, would you care to explain why my baby sister is naked in your bed?"

"She's naked?" Iain asked, as if he didn't have a clue about it.

"I have a bra and panties on," I yawned.

"See? She's not naked," Iain said.

"Iain Beatty, I want an explanation."

"We didn't have sex. If I had had sex with your sister, I'd still be in bed with her. I wouldn't be working on this goddamn thesis paper, I'd probably still be sticking it to your sister," Iain said monotone.

"I still don't like that she doesn't have clothes on in here with you," Ben said.

"I haven't slept in four days. I just want to sleep. I didn't put the effort of putting my clothes back on from the kiss we staged to make your lies more truthful because I didn't have the energy. Iain doesn't give a shit if I'm in here buck ass naked---he's already seen me naked, Ben. It's like seeing your sister naked. Now leave so Iain can work on his paper and I can get enough sleep to be functional again!" I spat, and Ben sighed, leaving the room.

Iain still sat at his computer. He was wearing his black rimmed glasses he needed when he was reading, and he shifted some papers around on his desk.

"It's not like seeing your sister naked," Iain said.

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