Chapter Thirty Five: Confrontations and Comfort

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Chapter Thirty Five: Confrontations and Comfort

I woke up to an empty bed filled with Iain's scent and the sound of deep voices talking loudly outside of Iain's room.

"Look, she's sleeping. She's had a rough day. She got into a big argument with your parents, and if you ask me it's best if she stays away from them for a while. They have some things they need to sort through, and so does she. I'm more than willing to let her crash in my room. I'll crash on the floor. But she can't go back there, Ben," Iain said.

"Why can't I see her? You're like guarding my sister from me, is there a reason you're blocking the door?" Ben asked.

"No, she's just asleep." Iain said. I jumped up and pulled on my bra quickly and searched the room for my panties, but they were nowhere to be found. I walked quickly to Iain's closet and pulled on a t-shirt.

I darted into Iain's bathroom and looked in the mirror. I had crazy sex hair, and hickeys dotted my neck. I combed through my hair with my fingers and tried to cover up the hickeys with my hair. I walked over to the door, and pulled it open.

"Ben, you're home," I said, yawning and pretending to be sleepy.

"Oh you're awake," Iain said.

"I just woke up," I said.

"Iain, why does my sister have hickeys and sex hair and your clothes?" Ben asked, his voice angry and threatening.

"Look, Ben, I can explain--," Iain started.

"I have bedhead from sleeping off a headache from crying, I'm wearing Iain's clothes because mine got wet from the rain, and I have hickeys because you're too big of a pussy to tell your fucking girlfriend who I really am," I said, "I'd like to take a shower, and then you and I need to talk, Ben."

"Okay, Kit Kat, sorry for getting so accusatory," Ben said, "Hope you're feeling better."

"Yeah, Iain took care of me," I said, and only Iain and I knew of the double meaning. I walked into Iain's room and Iain followed me.

"You don't have to lie for me," Iain said, "I mean, we shouldn't have to lie to Ben. He's going to be pissed, but he'll get over it."

"The longer we put off telling Ben, the longer we can do this," I pecked his lips sweetly, "Under his roof."

"Technically it's my roof too," Iain pouted, "That was a damn good cover though, how the hell did you get dressed so quickly?"

"I'll let you in on a secret," I whispered, "I'm not wearing any panties." I say as I pull his t-shirt off and unclasp my bra. I then walk towards his bathroom.

"Oh fuck me," he growls and follows along behind me. He peels off his clothes and turns on the water. He turned to me and I stood on my tip-toes to try and reach his lips for a kiss. He met me halfway and wrapped his arms around me, picking me up. His lips were hungry and sweet on mine.

"IAIN!" I heard Ben shout from outside of the bedroom.

"Fuck," Iain whined, setting me back on my feet.

"Go talk to him and see what he wants or he'll never leave us alone," I said. He looked at me pleadingly.

"Go," I laughed, "I'll be here when you're done."

Iain quickly put his clothes back on. I watched as he strategically hid his boner in his khaki pants before pulling on a loose t-shirt.


"Nothing," I smiled.

"Go take a shower," he smirked, "You smell like sex."

I rolled my eyes and hopped in the shower as he walked away. I washed up, ignoring the slight soreness between my legs. Despite my first time not being picture perfect, I didn't regret it. I was actually okay with it. More than okay.

I finished my shower and dug through Iain's drawers before finding my red lacy panties. I slipped them on along with a pair of leggings I found in his drawer. Apparently I'd somehow gotten a drawer of my own. I guess that's what you get when you're a forgetful sleepyheaded girl.

I pulled on a hoodie of Iain's and walked out into the living room, where Iain and Ben were talking.

"What's going on, Kit? Iain won't tell me," Ben sighed.

"Mom and dad have been fighting nonstop. Every night I stay here is because I can't handle them arguing any more. But today their arguments really came to a head and...," I stammered at the end. My eyes filled with tears and Iain rubbed my back comfortingly.

"Mom cheated on dad. A long time ago. Ben..."

"What are you trying to say?" Ben looked upset.

"Ben, Dad isn't my real dad. I'm the product of Mom's affair," I said, hot tears spilling out of my eyes.

"How do you know that for sure? I mean, the only way you could know that would be a blood test and--," Ben tried to reason.

"Ben, Mom was sure. She knew. There's more to the story than we know. But...I can't go back there. I can't," I said.

"You can stay with us. We'll get a futon and you can sleep in Iain's room. We can go over to pick up your stuff later tonight. I'd like to talk to mom and dad for a little bit. You don't have to speak to them if you don't want to," Ben said, "And no matter who your father is. You'll always be my sister. Never forget that."


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