Chapter Seven - Protective and Possessive

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Hey guys! Thanks SO SO SO much for all your comments, I love reading comments so much, and they made me smile, so I updated today for you guys.

I would like to clear up some things, though. I HAVE EDITED AND ADDED TO CHAPTER FIVE. If you read Chapter Five BEFORE MARCH 27, you might want to go back and re-read it because there's more to the ending. 

Also, I'd really appreciate it if you'd check out my other stories too. You can look at them on my page, or look at my "Ongoing Stories" list to see what I'm working on right now. 

Okay, that's all thanks so much, please comment and vote if you like it. 

Chapter Seven – Protective and Possessive

          “Hey Iain,” I smiled, walking into their apartment after he’d opened the door. Then I realized Ben and Olivia were on the couch. I panicked and turned to Iain and kissed him hard on the lips. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tighter against him as he kissed me hard on the lips. His lips tasted faintly of beer and something spicy—something strong. I wanted to melt. I could never wrap my mind around how he made me feel so hungry for him with just a kiss. An earthshatteringly good kiss. As if he was trying to prove himself.

          I heard Ben clear his throat, and I pulled away, my face red.

          “Hi,” I said, knowing my face was quickly turning ‘I’m Not Really a Waitress’ red.

          Iain grabbed my hand, and intertwined our fingers, pulling me down the hall and into his room. He shut the door behind us, and locked it. He kissed me again, this time a much shorter kiss, but still packing the same punch that made me grab fistfuls of his t-shirt. This was a lot of spark for a guy I’d barely said more than a few words to in person since he’d picked me up when I was drunk.

          “Thanks for that, Kitten, they’ve been super fucking gross for the past hour making out and cooing,” he sighed, “How was your date with Kyle?”

          “Kain? It wasn’t a date,” I laughed, “We just hang out.”

          “Yeah,” he said tersely, “Then he just wants you for sex.”

          “Not all guys just want sex.”

          “Trust me, they do. Especially from girls with a hot ass little body like yours,” he smirked. I felt my face heat up from embarrassment.

“Like you would even know,” I said shakily.

“Trust me sweetheart, I’ve seen and felt enough to know that I’d fuck you,” Iain chuckled smugly.

“But that doesn’t mean Kain and I will ever be a thing. He probably doesn’t even like me.”

“Kit, he likes you, trust me,” he rolled his eyes.

“Why would you think that?”

“Because he fucking does.”

          “What crawled up your ass and died?” I laughed.

          He clenched his jaw and shrugged.

          “You’re like acting worse than when you were in high school. I mean, Kain’s cool. You’d like him probably, actually.”

          “Yeah,” Iain sighed, “Because I like guys who like you like that,” he added rudely.

          “What? You aren’t even making sense right now.”

          The next thing I knew, Iain’s lips were on mine, and his shirt was on the floor. He tangled his fingers in my hair, and kissed down my neck, sucking and nipping. He was working hard to leave hickeys. After I lost count of how many hickeys he was giving me, I pushed him off.

          “Stop, what the fuck, Iain?” I spat.

          “Sorry,” he sighed.

          “I can’t even fucking figure out if you’re just being protective or if you’re possessive. Which you have no right to be possessive. We aren’t dating for real, remember?”

          “I remember,” he sighed, “I’m sorry Kitten. I just…I don’t fucking know anymore,” he said. He ran a hand through his hair and rubbed his face. He was shaking, he was so mad. It took a lot to run Iain the wrong way, so I knew that whatever was making him so upset wasn’t something small. I caved and let out a sigh.

          “It’s okay,” I said, “You probably just need to get laid.”

          “Yeah, that’s it,” he laughed slightly, as if he was in disbelief. He scratched his face.

          “I need to shave,” he sighed.

          “I love your beard,” I said.

          “Really?” he asked.

          “Yeah, beards are hot,” I said, “Especially short scruffy ones like yours. And longer well-groomed ones. But not long like the Duck Dynasty hillbillies or Santa Claus.”


          “Yeah I think so,” I shrugged. He smirked, and pecked my lips.

          “I’m sorry I was an asshole. I just…I don’t know. You know how I am,” he said.

          “It’s fine. Toy Story is on!” I said, pointing to his TV. I hopped onto his bed, and he followed me. I loved Toy Story. It was my childhood. When I was really little, we used to get dressed up as the characters and I’d be Jesse and Ben was Woody and Iain was Buzz. We’d run around the house and act out different scenes.

          It was actually a Toy Story marathon. About halfway through the second movie, I turned and looked at Iain, and admired how much he’d matured over the years. No longer did he have the boyish face that dressed up as Buzz. He was an adult. He had manly features and handsome ones at that.

          “What?” he asked.

          “Nothing,” I smirked. He leaned in and kissed me, pecking my lips. He pulled away and looked at me, as if he was testing the waters, seeing if what he was doing was okay or not.

          “Come here,” I said, holding his face in my hands and guiding his lips to mine, and he happily complied

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