Chapter Twenty: Dads and Drive Thrus

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Hey guys! Thanks for being so patient! I actually had orientation June 4-5 for college and was out of town and then my great grandfather passed away and his funeral was today. Then when I went to upload today, I yawned and dislocated my jaw to the point that I could not close my mouth after yawning (I'm not kidding) and I spent the evening in the ER...So I think this chapter is long overdue.

SPOTIFY PLAYLIST LINK: (Playlist includes all songs in order including some songs from chapters that haven't been released yet!)

also, last note, this chapter is full of Scottish slang but I think it's pretty understandable, let me know if you guys get confused and I'll try to clear it up!

Chapter Twenty: Dads and Drive Thrus, or alternatively titled; I'm Not Fucking Your Son, Mr. Beatty. It's All a Ruse.

          "I'm so fucking sorry," Mellie said meeting me at my locker.

          "What for?" I asked.

          "One, I have been MIA all day. Two, I heard from the rumor mill that some big shit happened between you, Kain, and The Scottish Sex God," she said, "I want  to know the truth."

          I sighed and pulled her into the girl's bathroom.

          "BITCHES; GET OUT," Mellie screeched at a few girls taking selfies in the bathroom mirror. She went through and kicked in each stall door to make sure the bathroom was empty.

          "Make sure no one comes in," Mellie said, sending some poor freshman girl to guard the door.

          I sat on the countertop, "So you and Tyler were doing your thing, and Kain said he liked me. So we went upstairs to talk and he started shoving his tongue down my throat and I kept asking him to stop but he wouldn't. It was so awful. He touched me, and I managed to get free and I tried to look for you, but someone said you left. I called my brother, but he didn't pick up. So I called Iain, and he came and then Kain said some really awful things and Iain beat the shit out of him and we went to his apartment."

          "Babe," Mellie hugged me, "I can't believe he did that to you. Do you want to talk about it?"

          "No...I'd rather forget about it for now..." If having nightmares every night counted as forgetting about it...

          "I know I tease you a lot about Iain, but if he makes you happy, go for it. He's a nice guy, and yeah the circumstances could be better, but he's still the best guy ever. Seriously I remember being little and going over to your house and Ben would have Iain over and he has always been partial to you."

          "No way," I said, "We fight less than we used to, but he used to pick on me all the time. We fought constantly. We hated each other."

          "There's a fine line between love and hate," Mellie said, "I gotta run. Call me if you need me."

          I nodded and left the bathroom. I walked outside to see Iain's car parked outside with Iain leaning against it.

          "Hey Kitten," he smiled.

          "What're you doing here?" I smiled.

          "Well, I'm going to visit my dad and it's kind of a drive. I wondered if you wanted to tag along," he said.

          "Sure," I smiled, "I haven't seen your dad in forever!" Iain opened the car door for me and I sat down. He hustled to the other side of his car and got in.

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