Chapter Forty Two - Pancakes and Parents

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I know it's been a long time and I know this is short and I know I'm sorry because I know y'all deserve so much more. Thanks for hanging tight. Only five more weeks before the semester ends and I'm home for the summer. Thanks for being patient while I attend college. I can't thank y'all enough. 

Chapter Forty Two – Pancakes and Parents

"Kit! Breakfast!" I heard my mom yell. I opened my eyes, and smiled, realizing Iain was still snuggled into me.

"Kit! Come down for breakfast or I'm going to have to come up there!" I sat up quickly.

"Iain," I whisper-yelled.

"What, love? What's wrong?" he answered groggily, waking up.

"My parents are home. They're calling me to breakfast. If I don't go, they're coming up here," I said softly.

I didn't have to spell it out for him; my parents finding out I'd snuck him up here while they were away would be disastrous. My parents had been pretty easy going about me living with Ben and Iain while everything got sorted, but if they found out their daughter was sleeping with their son's best friend, things might not go so smoothly.

"Shit," he said. I got up and quickly pulled on the first t-shirt I found and some shorts. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun. Iain held up my bathrobe, helping me slip it on.

"Stay here, I'll find a way to sneak you out."

Iain nodded, and laid back down on my bed. I pushed his hair out of his face, and kissed his forehead.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked, confused.

"I don't know...we fucked a lot last night. I'm just surprised your pussy isn't throbbing. I was just worried I hurt you last night."

"Nothing I can't handle. It was worth it," I said, kissing him on the lips.


"Coming!" I yelled. I kissed him once more before turning and walking out the door. I climbed down the stairs to the table. My father sat reading the paper, his glasses sat low on his nose. He glanced at me, and he sipped his coffee.

"I made banana pancakes!" My mom smiled. I felt guilty. Banana pancakes were my favorite. This is how things had been since I'd come back. Mom and dad were chipper as ever and making my favorite foods and catering to my every need. It was nice, but exhausting. I kept waiting for the bottom to drop out at any minute.

"What time did you guys get home? I asked.

"About four," she responded, flopping some pancakes on my plate.

"How was the concert?" I asked.

"Good," she said, but just paused to look at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Aren't you going to invite Iain down for breakfast?"

"What?" my heart pounded, "What do you mean?"

"Iain! Come down for breakfast, son!" my father yelled out. Iain carefully peeked his head out of my door. I shot him a "what the fuck" look, and he just shrugged. He came down the stairs, wearing nothing but his boxer-briefs, which didn't show well on me considering his back was all scratched up from last night.

"Oh, man, banana pancakes are my favorite, Pam," Iain said to my mom. My mom just beamed. Iain always had been her favorite kid out of Ben and I.

"How did you know he was up there?" I asked.

"Call it mother's intuition," my mother said.

"His car is parked in the driveway," my father grunted.

I felt mortified. We'd been caught, and so easily too.

"I thought you were staying in a hotel," I said sheepishly.

"We were going to until we got to the hotel and they were being fumigated for bedbugs," my mother said.

"I trust that you're being responsible with my daughter," my dad said pointedly to Iain, who had just taken a big bite of pancakes. Iain choked on his pancakes.

"You act like you're good at hiding it. Son, you could have at least put on pants," my father said.

"Sorry...sir?" Iain tried.

"The fuck, Iain? You've been around long enough to know not to call me sir," my dad cracked up in laughter, "I'm not grilling you. You're both adults. You don't need my permission. I'm just making a statement about responsibility."

Iain visibly relaxed and I laughed a little. It was still awkward, though, to have your dad even imply something sexual to your boyfriend at the breakfast table.

"Was this going on before or after you moved in with them?" my mom asked.

"Both, it's complicated," I said, "You should talk to Ben. His girlfriend is super nice! You should meet her." I tried to change the subject and casually threw my brother under the bus.

"Oh! I'd love to! I think that's a great idea!" she quickly jumped at the opportunity. I felt bad for Olivia, but I knew she could handle it. If she could handle my brother, she could handle anything.

"Kit, before I forget, these came for you," my mom said, handing me a stack of envelopes, "They came while you were gone, but I didn't open them."

I looked down and realized that they were from the numerous colleges I'd applied to. Iain caught my eyes with a look I couldn't quite read. I started opening them and my heart sunk to my feet and exploded all at once. I'd applied to some of these schools before when I was hoping to get away from my parents. Before I was tied to this place. Before Iain.

And some of them were my dream schools, or at least they were before everything changed. Now I didn't know what to do. This wasn't the easy decision it would have been a few months ago.

I was going to college. But now I had to decide; Iain or the college of my dreams. Because I'd been accepted to every single one.

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