Chapter Six: Girls' Night and Boy Talk

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Chapter Six – Girls’ Night and Boy Talk

          “Hey girl,” Mellie smiled. She was wearing red heart shaped sunglasses as she lay out by her pool in her matching red and white polka dot bikini. It was still late summer and sweltering hot, so I couldn’t really judge her. She was flicking through the pages of Cosmo.

          “Hey,” I said.

          “What? Did you get your fill of the Scottish Sex God and come crawling back to your boring old best friend?” she smirked.

          “First, you are not boring. Second, it’s not like that. Third, Scottish Sex God? Really?”

          “Deny it and you’re lying,” she took a sip of the fruity drink sitting beside her. She got up from her seat and I followed her into her disaster of a bedroom.

          Her room was beautiful, just a disaster. There were mountains of clothes that went up to my waist. I would honestly not be surprised if there was a small child lost in her room.

Once we were sitting on her bed (among other things because the clutter in her room was not limited to the floor), and we accidentally knocked over some red solo cups and the fell behind her bed, between the headboard and wall. And let me tell you, it was like a nuclear strength stink bomb had went off in her room because whatever was in the cup was rancid. So rancid that we had to open the windows and turn on her fan before going and getting a shitload of Lysol. We had to move her whole bed and clean it up, and then it smelled like rancid and Lysol mixed together, which was not any better, let me tell you. We eventually decided that the contents of the rancid cups was the leftover milk from the cereal we ate at four in the morning two years prior.

So you should believe me when I say her room is a disaster.

          Mellie quickly got dressed and I followed her to her car. I didn’t really know what we were doing, and I didn’t really care. I hadn’t hung out with Mellie enough lately. My time was spent with college applications and avoiding my parents fighting, and ending up at Ben and Iain’s. It was quite a mess.

          “We’re going to go pick up Tyler,” she said. She pulled out of the driveway and I flicked through the songs on her stereo.

          To put it lightly, Mellie was a city driver. Meaning that she hit her brakes hard, and always sped around corners to the point that you had to hang on or you might fly out of the car. It was like “Oh hey, we were supposed to turn back there? And I’m still going sixty miles an hour? Oh yeah, we can totally make that turn, WEE!”

          I only screamed for dear life three times on the way to Tyler’s, though. So it was a good ride.

          Once we got to Tyler’s, he and some guy jumped in the back of Mellie’s car.

          “This is Kain. He’s my cousin. He lives with me,” he explained. I shrugged and Mellie pulled out only after scraping her car with a bush in Tyler’s yard. The bush was fine. I don’t know about her car though.

          “Want to go to the drive in?” she asked. The only drive in movie around was a few towns over.

          “What are they playing?” I asked.

          “I dunno,” Mellie said.

          “Yeah, let’s go.”

          We drove cross country. It was a long and eventful ride. It felt nice to just be a teenager for once. To be carefree and happy and just alive. I looked down at my phone, and realized Iain texted me.

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