Chapter 42

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In the study, two Dragon Scaled guards stood solemnly then knelt simultaneously and saluted the moment they saw the commander before presenting a file containing records of Shen Miaoqi's entire life experiences since birth.

Yu Pin Yan took and browsed through it without any expressions.

To be reduced from a daughter of a rich merchant to a maidservant, he deduced the Shen family must have suffered a calamity however he didn't expect he was one of the pushers.

As it turned out the Shen family was considered an extremely wealthy family in Lingnan. It was rather legendary how Father Shen made his fortune. He was an expert in tomb raiding and concealed his frown-upon side occupation with the antiques trading business. Madam Shen successively gave birth to a son and a daughter later. For the sake of accumulating blessings for his children, he decided not to do the ill-fated deed of digging others' ancestral grave anymore.

Before the age of ten, Shen Miao Qi was still sailing with the wind[1] and living a life of luxury. On the year when she turned ten, she followed Father Shen to Luoyang for the trading of antiques and coincidentally chance upon the Crown Prince who was recuperating at a post station. Failing in offering some medicinal herbs, Shen Miao Qi was instead arrested on suspicion of espionage. Father Shen used seventy to eighty percent of their assets to redeem her freedom where soon after the whole family fled back to Lingnan in distress.

It was precisely Yu Pin Yan himself who ordered the arrest at that time. Since then, the Shen family began heading for decline. It was not surprising Shen Miao Qi would still remember him after four years and yelled out such words like 'hatred', 'revenge' and so on. Perhaps she had blamed him for all the faults while bearing grudges that she cursed him day and night.

Thinking of this, Yu Pin Yan raised his lips into a sneer while continuing browsing.

Once returning to Lingnan, the Shen family gradually struggled to make ends meet. In order to prevent his children from suffering hardship, Father Shen had no choice but to take up his old trade again. Exactly at this moment, an old client came knocking at the door asking him to raid an ancient tomb that was buried in the main cave and steal a gilded Zhunti Buddha statue where half of the payment was given as deposit.

As the remuneration was really generous and enough to save the declining Shen family, Father Shen was moved. After reviewing many historical documents, he was convinced that there was indeed such a Buddha statue and rushed for it on the same night.

After surviving a narrow escape from death, Father Shen brought the Buddha statue home. He fell into a coma for three days and three nights. However, during these three days, Shen Miao Qi opened the box containing the Buddha statue out of curiosity and accidentally broke off one of the Buddha's hands. As she often saw Father Shen repairing antiques thus with self-taught, she used some transparent paste and glued the Buddha's hand before placing it back into the box.

When Father Shen regained consciousness, he hurriedly notified that person to come and pick up the goods. Both of them were excessively excited and completed the transaction without a thorough check. After that person returned home, he fondled the statue carefully before finding out he had been duped. As he had yearned this Buddha statue for a long time, he resented Father Shen for ruining such a treasure as well as swindling his money thus he set up a series of traps that led to the ruination of the Shen family and the imprisonment of Father Shen.

The last ten percent of the family asset was used to bribe for his atonement. Father Shen however called out loudly about this injustice and died tragically at the prison's entrance while following this, Mother Shen also fell gravely ill. All those concubines of the Shen family had long stolen the family properties bringing along their Shu children and disappeared without a trace.

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