Chapter 134

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The Fifth Prince and Sixth Prince recalled their recent conduct and deeds. Both of them turned pale as large drops of cold sweat streamed down their hair and cheeks into their lapels. The Crown Prince had always been extremely filial and possessed virtue as well as talent. So as long as he waited patiently, the imperial throne would be his sooner or later. Why would he need to use force to usurp the throne?

They knew perfectly well that something was wrong, and even suspected one of them was making a move against the other. However, they never thought of pleading for leniency or vindicating on behalf of the Crown Prince. Instead, they took advantage of this opportunity to hit him (Crown Prince) while he was down, with the intention of killing him and the young imperial grandchildren. Both of them were dreaming of ascending to the throne, but never imagined that their Father Emperor had already seen through and remembered their shameful and disgraceful repulsive deeds.

Yu Pin Yan returned and brought back hundreds of thousands of troops. If they were to make the slightest unusual move, they would end up in a situation where they would die without an intact corpse. At this moment, an unspeakable remorse rushed over them from the bottom of their hearts. They despised themselves for being blinded by power and forgetting how horrifying their Father Emperor was. While they awaited for the inevitable cruel fate, they were in awe and envious of the Fourth Prince, who remained silent.

It was their Fourth brother who was able to discern things clearly, and stood by the Crown Prince from the beginning to the end. At every court meeting, he would plead earnestly for him. He was loyal, steady, filial and brotherly. Father Emperor was probably pleased to see that. When this was over, the Fourth Prince would be above all others, while they would probably be relegated to the rank of commoner.

The Fifth Prince and Sixth Prince stood at the hall with their heads hung low like defeated roosters. The Fourth Prince stood beside them. Apart from a slightly pale face, the slightest amount of difference could not be seen.

The Crown Prince and Prime Minister arrived after they had changed into their court attire. Their expression was calm and collected. Behind them were a group of Dragon Scale Guards with steel swords, their robes embroidered with a fierce Yazi[1] baring claws and fangs. On the contrary, the base colour was not the usual crimson, but rather a reddish-brown colour like a pool of blood from hell.

This was a type of official robe that the civil and military officials never saw before. For a moment, they were confused as to where these men were from. Were they Dragon Scale Guards? Only Ao Ping, who was standing behind the Fourth Prince, was dumbstruck. He had heard that there were two divisions of Dragon Scale Guards. One for the public and the other in the shadows. However, since he had never seen the secret division ever since he was reappointed by the Emperor, he thought it was merely a legend on the street.

However, when he saw them today, he realised that it was not just a myth, but it was only because the Emperor had never trusted him. Couldn't one see that the Secret division of the Dragon Scale Guard heading the group nodded his head slightly at Yu Pin Yan as he walked to the front of the palace hall? It could clearly be seen that they had known each other for a long time.

The Emperor's trust in Yu Pin Yan was beyond his or even the Fourth Prince's imagination. Ao Ping gripped the hilt of his sword tightly in his hand, and a look of determination flashed across his face. However, he saw the Fourth Prince turn his head towards him and shook his head imperceptibly.

The matter had already reached this stage, it was useless to put up a fight. There were probably already countless masters from the secret division in front of and behind the palace hall. In addition, the answer to the question of whether those ministers who had agreed to fight with them were really defecting to them, or whether they were traps set by his Father Emperor was self-evident. You think you were a lord, but in the eyes of others you were a fool -There was nothing more pathetic than this in the entire land under the heavens.

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