Chapter 63

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Chun Mei and Dong Shui received news that Lin Shi had given her approval. They got dressed meticulously the next morning, carrying two small packages as they left the sewing room. Whenever they bumped into an acquainted maidservant on the way out, they would stop to bid farewell.

"There is not a single woman around the Marquis, and I heard that those maidservants were all killed by the Marquis in the early years ... " One of the maidservant made a hand gesture across her neck and warned, "Both of you have to be careful. The Marquis is not so easy to tend to. There is no telling if it's a blessing or a curse to have this job."

The other maidservant nodded in agreement. "Yeah, people call the Marquis the living King of Hell. Every day, he would leave the manor fresh and clean and he would always return with a stench of blood. The maidservants in charge of the laundry are afraid of washing the Marquis' clothes. They often pour out big full basins of blood. It's really scary. I heard that the reason why the Marquis is so terrifying is because he has killed too many people and that aggrieved spirits surround him all year round and never goes away. You two better be careful."

The maidservant who was extremely close to the two maidservants snickered, "Right, don't say the grapes are sour just because you don't get to eat them.[1] It's precisely because there are no women around the Marquis that Chun Mei and Dong Shui will have a promising future. Which man isn't lustful? The Marquis didn't say anything before because Third Young Miss was managing the household. It would be hard for him to ask his younger sister to seek a woman for him, right? This time, it's Madam who made the arrangements, so he would naturally smile and accept." After she finished her sentence, the maidservant linked arms with the other two maidservants, and said in a flattering manner, "Two Elder sisters, don't forget to give your younger sister a hand when you are in a high position and wealthy."

Chun Mei and Dong Shui smiled with their lips pursed together. A blush seared through both of their cheeks, making them look very pretty and adorable. They have heard of the rumours outside of the manor, such as murderous, cold-blooded, self-centered and not making any allowances for the needs of one's relatives. However, in their eyes, those were no match for the Marquis' incredibly handsome face and formidable power.

It was said that wealth and rank were obtained through risks. If they were fortunate enough to be the Marquis' first woman, what more would they want in the future?

The both of them, each with their own agenda, were wary of each other. Their hips swaying side to side as they walked to the front courtyard. The crowd of maidservants gazed at their departure with envy, worry, and ridicule.

Today was a day of rest. It was rare that Yu Pin Yan did not need to go to the Yamen[2] to run errands. He carried his younger sister to pay respects to the Old Madam, and then he brought her back to the study to practice calligraphy.

Yu Xiang sat at the lower table, each time after writing a character, she would glance over towards her Elder Brother, who was leaning against the window studying a book about chess. She seemed like she had something she wanted to say but was slightly hesitant.

"Stop looking at me already. Instead look at what you need to do in your calligraphy practice book. Calculate for yourself how much homework you have held up." Yu Pin Yan snorted lightly without even lifting his head.

Yu Xiang put down her brush and complained, "Elder Brother, it would be fine if I can just read a few words. Don't tell me you intend to teach me to become a scholar? I don't have that talent. Look at Xiao Jiu'er, she's only twelve and doesn't need to study anymore. She is just eating, drinking and having fun all day. Finally, I am not in charge of the manor anymore, you should also let me relax for a few days. Why don't I accompany you to play chess?"

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