Chapter 84

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Yu Xiang's body was itching all over. As soon as she got into the carriage, she pulled off her headband and pulled open the lapels of her clothes then scratched her scalp to neck and the neck to her back. If there was a pegboard full of nails in front of her, she would have rolled on it without demur.

Her overactive imagination expanded her fear of bugs to the extreme.

Seeing her elder brother lifted the curtain of the carriage, the tears she had been holding back for a long time instantly gushed out from the rims of her eyes as she delicately called out, "Elder Brother, I am itching."

Yu Pin Yan immediately let down the curtain, embraced her into his arms and asked in a muted voice, "Where does it itch? Elder Brother will scratch for you."

"My back itches." Yu Xiang pointed to her back.

Reaching out, Yu Pin Yan stroked her back and asked in a low voice, "Is it here?"

"A little to the left."

"A little to the right."

"A bit up, a bit down."

Yu Xiang commanded a pass haphazardly then felt the itch getting more and more unbearable that she wished she could lift her skin to see if there was also a leech hidden underneath. She then remembered the time when Chang Qi swamped her body full with worms that perhaps a few had burrowed into her body along her ears, eyes or nostrils just like the little imperial grandchildren.

The more profoundly she pondered, the more tightly she clung onto her elder brother's neck and couldn't stop trembling.

Yu Pin Yan felt both amused and distressed. His large palm probed directly into her clothes and gently lifted her underclothes then kept wandering around her smooth back, soothing every inch of her skin attentively.

The place where the large palm slid over no longer felt itchy, instead it tingled with numbness and felt very comfortable. Yu Xiang stopped shaking and lifted her sleeves to show her elder brother the goosebumps that covered her entire arms, "It itches here too and the whole body is unbearably itchy. Do you know that, Elder Brother?" She leaned closer, biting the youth's earlobe and whispered, "A leech came out of the little imperial grandson's nose, alive and I caught it with my own hand."

Stretching out her right hand, she shook it, "Here, my hand is still numb."

Yu Pin Yan's other hand gently rubbed her arm, untied his outer robe and gathered her into his arms, rubbing her up and down for a good while. He then kept her fingers in his mouth where his tongue licked and slid between her fingernails to take away the numbness.

A hoarse and unusual voice echoed in the carriage, "Is it better now?"

Out of a sudden, Yu Xiang felt herself blushed, ears reddened and heart palpitating frenziedly. Where were there anymore thoughts to think of other matters. She nodded while rubbing those fingertips that had been licked then nodded again and after a moment of silence, she burrowed into her elder brother's robe.

Yu Pin Yan secretly inhaled yet unable to resist the changes in his body and afraid that the little girl might have noticed some inklings, having no choice, he fell back with the little girl in his arms and laid on his side. Rubbing her head, he whispered, "It's not early, go to sleep."

Yu Xiang nodded and tugged his lapels tightly with both her hands then closed her eyes and slept peacefully. But a few moments later, she opened her eyes again then mumbled and arched around.

Clutching her slender waist, Yu Pin Yan's tone was full of helplessness, "What's wrong again?"

"My ears itch. Elder Brother helps me see if a small bug has gotten in there." Yu Xiang spoke as she rubbed her ear against the youth's chest.

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