Chapter 62

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As soon as all the Momos received the summon, they immediately gathered at the main courtyard. Without requiring any instructions from anyone, they all lined up in neat rows of three according to their rank respectively. When Yu Miao Qi looked over at them, they took the initiative to report their names and job description. Their behaviours were very respectful.

Yu Miao Qi initially thought that these people would join forces to display their strength. Afterward, she could use this opportunity to conveniently pick out a few troublemakers to deal with them. Subsequently, she would be able to quickly gain a firm foothold in the Marquis manor. But she never expected that they would be so well trained and rule abiding. Could it be that Yu Xiang didn't secretly instruct them to cause trouble for her?

The more thoughts she put in regarding this matter previously, it was equivalent to the frustration she was feeling at this moment, while looking at these disciplined and respectful Momos-in-charge. It was like throwing a heavy punch but only to hit nothing but air, and feeling as if she took courage to pounce but fell flat on the ground. Yu Miao Qi took a sip of the tea and used the opportunity to take a few deep breaths to regain her composure.

Lin Shi didn't think about that much. She just said a few sentences like 'Please cooperate with me, as I will be in charge of the manor in the future'. Then, she turned to her daughter and asked her to bring out the drafted regulations.

This time, Yu Miao Qi was not in a hurry to change the rules that were set by Yu Xiang, and only stated two points: Firstly, there is no need to do spot checks on the memorization of the manor rules every month in the future, as long as everyone knows them by heart. Secondly, if even those who sweep the floor, chop the wood, fetch water and so on have group leaders, then the management staff in the manor would be too redundant. From now on, the team system will be abolished, and everything will still be in the hands of the respective Momos in charge. After her announcement, she asked if they had anything they wanted to say.

Yu Miao Qi had her own reasons when making these two changes. The first one was because she wanted to let everyone put down their guards and to show that the new master was kind and harmonious. Secondly, she wanted to win the hearts of the people, especially the Momos-in-charge, whose authority had suddenly grown. Lastly, it was to save the additional wages given to the team leaders to cut costs.

In order not to lose the hearts of these people, she didn't dare to make any big moves upon her arrival. However, she secretly planned out small steps to accomplish each one at a time.

Naturally, no one objected as it was a good thing they didn't have to memorize the manor rules. Even though the team leaders would receive monthly additional bonuses, they also had to be responsible for the mistakes made by their team members, which placed them under a lot of pressure. Additionally, as their status was not at the level of stewardship, they would not be able to meet the master. Just like 'what lowly people think counts for little', even if they had an opinion, there was nothing they could do about it.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yu Miao Qi took it as consent. She then said that those who had something to say could speak up, and those who had nothing to say could leave. Naturally, everyone was fine and left one after another after making their bow. This new official's first fire could be considered wordlessly and silently set alight.

Lin Shi was very impressed by her daughter's cleverness and competence. To say it bluntly, she could rest assured that there would definitely be no troubles by entrusting the manor to her daughter. After saying that, she went into the inner hall and continued to reminisce about the past as she looked at the memorial tablet.


In the West wing courtyard, someone immediately informed Liu Lu of Yu Miao Qi's actions who in turn reported to Yu Xiang.

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