Chapter 88

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Yu Xiang's few words set forth the selfish motives of Yu Miao Qi that the gazes of those bystanders with sharp-eyes and clear-heads changed a little when they looked at Yu Miao Qi. Standing still with embarrassment, Yu Miao Qi hurriedly shot a glance at the Crown Prince as her heart quivered when his eyes swept over and darkened vaguely.

Yu Xiang, however, was in no mood to pay any heeds to her. Having the crazy woman brought forward, she used the horse whip to prop her chin up and interrogated in a cold voice, "Who are you? What is the deep-seated hatred you have with my Yu family?"

The woman puckered her lips and tried to spit but was ruthlessly smacked several times that her cheeks instantly scarred with bloody lash marks. Those noblewomen who knew her dared not utter a sound lest being noted by Yu Xiang.

"Who the hell are you? Tell me or I'll have your tongue pulled out!" Yu Xiang's expression was extremely terrifying. Several pozi fiercely wrangled the woman's arms causing her to scream.

"I will tell you, I will tell you. I'm Zhao Shi, Xu Mao's wife!" This woman is after all, a delicately brought up noble woman who can't bear any hardship. Once the impulse had passed and Yu Xiang's harshness was assimilated, she spoke out candidly moments later.

The onlookers, particularly those ladies who have never seen the world, all revealed panic-stricken expressions and their previous scorns for Yu Xiang all turned into fear at this moment. On the other hand, the noblewomen sighed secretly: as expected of the All Commander Yu's younger sister whose temperament and tactics cannot escape the word 'ruthless' and this Zhou Shi will probably be finished in her hands.

When Zhou Shi started kicking up the ruckus, several people had slowly made their way downstairs while the shopkeeper of Zixiang House went attending to them with extreme deferential and sweating profusely. The person in lead was an imposing man dressed in black with indistinct disdain appearing between his rigid eyebrows and following behind were two unusually handsome young men. The one holding a jade fan was elegant and graceful while the one grasping the Xiuchun sword harbored an aura of bloodshed in his eyes.

Seeing the visitors, the Crown Prince hurriedly bowed and narrated the whole incident.

On the other side, Yu Xiang revealed the look of realization and snickered, "So, it's you! You have the audacity to say my elder brother wantonly slaughter the innocent and cruelly kill the loyalist? What kind of loyalist was your husband, Xu Mao?"

The pupils of her eyes constricted as she reminisced and a short while later, she enumerated one after another, "During the ninth year of Chengkang reign, Xu Mao raped a peasant woman on his outing in the countryside and in order to cover this matter up, he exterminated her whole family of seven. When he was promoted to the position of Chief Official of Xuanwei in the sub-perfect during the eleventh year of Chengkang reign, he embezzled hundred thousands taels of military pay, leaving the 6th battalion soldiers of Yangtze River without money nor padded clothing for the winter and caused more than ten thousand people frozen to death. Getting promoted to be the Wing Commander of Jianrui Battalion in the seventeenth year of Chengkang reign, he secretly released the prisoners on death row from the imperial dungeon to be hunted and killed like beasts in the dense forest. Once he was promoted to the Provincial Commander of the Ninth Gate in the twenty-first year of Chengkang reign, he accepted bribes of over million taels to rid those dissidents and assassinated dozens of people ... his stains of misdeeds were too many to be recorded and the piles of murder cases were horrifying to hear. You still have the nerve to use the word loyalist to illustrate a beast like him?"

Yu Xiang waved at Liu Lu, "Go buy a basket of eggs over." Amidst the crowd's baffled look, she continued, "The Emperor had him executed because he well-deserved it while my elder brother killed him with his own hand to eradicate evil for the people. If you feel wronged, you can go beat the drum to appeal and sue the imperial court. Why make things difficult for an invalid like me? My elder brother indeed kills people like flies but he has never killed innocent people nor has he ever framed any loyalist. He sheds his blood while lays down his life in the battleground for his country and is utterly loyal as well as dedicated to the Emperor until his dying day. And I, Yu Xiang, am here to leave words that whoever thinks my elder brother has any unjust, fake and false charge cases in his hand then take an egg and smash it hard on my head. I am sitting here waiting for you!"

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