Home, Sweet Home - OneShot

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             "Y/N!" Tubbo called into the forest. "Tubbo, what're you doing?" Tommy asked. "Y/N disappeared a month ago and we've checked this forest hundreds of times." he adds, putting a hand on Tubbo's shoulder. "I don't care! Y/N loved this forest! They have to be here somewhere!" Tubbo argued, looking hopelessly through the acres of land. Tommy followed him until they hear something, bringing Tubbo to a halt. 

                "Do you hear that, Tommy?" Tubbo asked. "Uh yeah... and it's sunset. It's probably mobs spawning." Tommy answered, his voice lowered, taking his sword out. "Whatever is out here probably took them..." Tommy adds, his voice coated with fear.


          "OH MY GOD WHAT WAS THAT!?" Panics Tubbo, hiding behind Tommy. "Shh!" Tommy hushed.

         There were footsteps racing towards them and it stopped. The two boys kept silent, and held still, looking hopelessly through the dark. "Hello?" A soft, shaky, yet very familiar voice asked. "Who's there!?" Tommy demanded. The sound of flint and steel echoed through the forest, then there was a light of a torch. The boys froze. 

         "Y/N!" Cheered Tubbo as he ran to you and hugged you tightly in his arms, Tommy following. "Where the fuck were you?" Asked Tommy, his voice stern yet soft. "I got stuck in a cave..." You mumbled into Tubbo's leather coat. The boys backed away from you. They saw dirt, ash, charcoal all over your clothes. "I can see that." Laughs Tommy. "Let's get you home, Y/N! Wilbur will be so glad to see you-- and-- and-- Niki and Phil and Charlie and Ranboo!" Tubbo chirped, linking his arm with yours and Tommy's and running through the forest, dodging all mobs and running into your little cottage, which was also a safehouse. 

       "GUYS! WILBUR! RANBOO!" Tubbo screamed in the house, making people run downstairs or out of the storage room and they freeze when they see you. "Y/N?" Wilbur asked, a shocked look on his face. You nod. "Hi..." You say, knowing you were in trouble. "Where. The. FUCK. Have. You. Been." Wilbur asked, running to you and hugging you and seeing your dirty clothes, wiping some soot of your face with his thumb. 

       "I got stuck in a cave... it collapsed on me and uhm my pickaxe broke so I had to use a shovel to break the rocks to get out. But I did find these though..." You mumbled the explanation, digging your hand into your pocket, handing Wilbur some diamonds, raw iron, gold ore, lapis, and an emerald or two, making his eyes widen.

         Ranboo kneeled next Wilbur and saw the items you had taken. "Where did you find this, exactly?" He asked. "My favorite forest." You say. "Where's that?" Asked Philza, preparing you clean clothes as Niki is making you food. "Only 3 people know where it is. And they have all swore not to say anything." You giggled at Philza's disappointed face. 

         Wilbur sighed. "I guess I can't stay mad at you. You couldn't control the way the cave collapsed and you did find very valuable items there as well. Tommy, Tubbo, thank you for finding them ." He says.

       "More like they found us." Grumbled Tommy. "You were scared, weren't you?" Tubbo teased. "WAS NOT!" Tommy argued. "AYE! DON'T YELL AT MY HUSBAND, TOMMY!" Snapped Ranboo. "Boys-- calm down--" Philza started, but it was already too late. The 3 boys had started to play fight. 

        "Home, Sweet Home." You giggled.

Heyyy. Its me. Thanks for over 100 reads in a few days-- it means a lot. Really. I also want to remind you that requests are available. That's all I really had to say soooo bai! Have a great day/night!

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