A Drunk Confession -Dream-

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    "I *hic* loOooOooooOoveeee youuu,  Y/nnnnn." He slurred, draping his arms around your neck, hiding his face into your shoulder, lightly kissing it. Your face went entirely red. "C-Clay, you're drunk-", you start, but are quickly cut off by Dream. "But I doOoooOooo. I loOoOooOveee you sooooo fucking muchhhhh." He insisted, hiccuping at the end of his sentence. You sigh, about to shove the drunk man off of you when he moves his head up to yours, connecting his forehead to yours, nuzzling his nose against yours gently, with a giggle. "Do you love me too?" He mumbled, his eyes barely focusing on yours, but it was still a very intense stare. You didn't really know how to respond. Your bestfriend and long time crush just confessed. You felt an awful pain in your heart, knowing that he was drunk and probably didn't mean any of it. "Of course, I love you, Clay. You're my bestfriend." You say, cringing internally when you said the word, 'Bestfriend'. Dream furrowed his eyebrows. "Noooo! Not like thaaaat. I love you, like, I wanna maarryyy yooouuuu."

   You completely froze. "I think you need to lay down." You say nervously, taking him up the stairs to his room, Patches scampering behind the two of you, curious as to why her owner is acting so funny. You slumped him onto his bed and took his shoes off for him, while he giggled at the feeling. You took off his hoodie, leaving him in just his sweatpants and socks. You were about to go and turn off the light and head to your room to go to bed yourself, but a gentle hand grabbed your wrist.

   Turning your head, you see Dream pouting. "Stay... please?" He pleaded, looking at you with puppy eyes. You sighed once more before pulling your hand out of his grasp, going around and laying next to him. He immediately turned over and wrapped his arms around you as Patches laid on your stomach. Dream wreaked of alcohol, making you cringe. "I love you." He said, his eyes closing. You felt tears brim your eyes. "I love you too, Clay." Patches seemed to sense your sadness and rolled on her back, wrapping her tiny paws around your hand gently, not using her claws. This made you smile and wipe the tears from your face with a sniffle.

...The next morning...

   Dream woke up with a groan. His head was hurting like hell. Suddenly, he felt something move next to him, making him whip his head over to face you. Then, everything from last night came back. His face flushed red. What have I done. He thought to himself, covering his face with his hands and sitting up, letting out a deep sigh. Dream uncovered his face and turned to you again. You looked so peaceful, Patches sprawled out on your torso, purring loudly, also looking at peace. The view made him smile. He snapped a picture before gently shaking your shoulder, making you wake up.

   When you woke up, you weren't in your room... oh. Right. Clay was drunk off his ass last night and made you lay with him. You looked at him and noticed he was blushing. "Soooo.... uh... about last night... I wasn't memeing. I meant it. I really do like you." Dream said, stroking Patches' fur anxiously.  You smiled. "I like you too, loverboy." You teased, mimicking a drunk voice when you said 'loverboy', making him laugh. "So wanna go out? Like, today?" He asked softly. "Time and place?"

Dream SMP Preferences and OneShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz