Their Reaction To You Being A Little (Age Regression)

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Also, have I been spelling Niki's name wrong? And am I getting her pronouns correct?

And should I add another member(s) and who?


      Dream walked down the stairs, just waking up. When he went to the living room he saw you and instantly got confused. You were on the floor, wearing a huge fuzzy sweater, shorts, holding a stuffed animal in your arms, a paci in your mouth as you were giggling at Patches as she chased a red laser which was in your free hand. Then he realized what was happening. He walked over and sat next to, making you flinch and cower away, looking afraid. "Hey, hey, it's okay." Dream said softly, gently pulled you his lap. You whimpered softly, leaning into his chest. "How old are you, bubs?" He asked. You hold up 1 finger before quickly putting it down. "Oh you're so small, huh?" He whispers, stroking your hair as Patches crawls into your lap. You nodded. "Wanna cuddle and take a nap?" You nodded again, cuddling closer into his chest. "Ni ni, Cway." You whispered softly, falling to sleep. "Good night, sweetheart."


   George woke to soft sobs and saw you asleep, a paci in your mouth, tears rolling down your face. "Y/N?" He asked confused. Then it clicked. You were little. He held you close to his chest, waking you up slightly. You whimpered loudly. "Hey, hey, hey, you're okay. I promise. It's me, George." He whispered. You relax and stop crying, falling to sleep. George sighed softly in relief that you were okay before kissing your head and falling to sleep once more.


    Nick was editing when he heard the door open. He looked over and immediately noticed that you were little right now. He smile and turned in his chair, and gently tapped his knee, signaling you to some and sit in his lap. You obey and straddle his waist, hiding your face in his chest. "Hey. How old are you, baby?" He asked softly. You held up 3 fingers before putting them down. "Mkay. Do you wanna stay with me while I edit, Babes?" You nod. "Mkay." He kissed your temple, softly singing to you as he continued to edit.


      Karl was on the couch when he got a facetime call from you. He happily answered it. "Hello?" He asked. He saw you and immediately knew you were little. You were in a pile of plushies and in one of his extra large merch hoodies. "Hi, Karwl!" You giggled. "Hello! Do you want me to come upstairs to see you?" He asked with a smile. "Yeah! Can we cuddle too?" You say excitedly. Karl laughed, getting up and heading up the stairs. "Of course we can, Bubs! I'll be there in a minute. Are you in our room or in your game room?" He asked, the smile never leaving his face. "Our rwoom." You say giggling. "Mkay. I'm almost there." He says opening the door and seeing you in the pile of plushies on the bed. You look up at him and end the call. "KARWL!" You squeal childishly. Karl laughed, setting his phone on the bedside table near the bed and crawled next to you, immediately pulling you into a hug. You immediately curl up to him. He kisses your cheek, pulling you into his lap as you yawn softly. "Sleepy, Bubs?" He asked. "Mhm." You mumbled. "Okay. You can sleep, now, Bubs." Karl whispered, playing with your hair. "Ni ni... wuv you..." You murmur, falling to sleep. "Night, night, Y/N. Love you, too..." He cooed, kissing your temple and pulling a fuzzy blanket over the two of you and falling asleep surrounded in plushies in each others arms.


     Quackity just came home from filming a hilarious vlog and saw you on the couch wearing his hoodie and knee high socks holding a plushie while drawing an amazing realistic drawing of him on the couch on a piece of notebook paper. He smiled realizing you were little and his eyes widened when he noticed you were drawing him. Quackity sat down next to you and wrapped an arm around you. You flinched, about to cower away, but you saw it was him. "Hewo, Awex!" You giggle, pulling him into a hug. "Hey! Whatcha got there?" Quackity asked, hugging you back. You let go of him and show him the drawing. "I daw you!" You chirped. "Wow! This is amazing, Mi Amour! I love it!" He said, his eyes sparkling with amazement. He kissed your temple and hugged you close to his chest.


    Wilbur was leaving his room after another You Laugh, You Lose stream when he saw you in the hallway. You were wearing one of his sweaters with knee high socks. You had a paci in your mouth and a stuffed animal in your arm. You had your back against the wall near the door. He smiled noticing you were little. You look up at him and smile brightly. "WILBUR!" You say, standing up and hugging him tightly. He laughed, hugging back. "Hello, love." He said, picking you up by the thighs and wrapping your legs around his waist. You arms went around his neck, the stuffed animal leaning against your arm securely. "How old are you?" He cooed, gently and slowly swaying with you. "Two." You say, sounding confused. "I fink..." you add. Wilbur smiled. "Okay, little one. Were waiting for me?" He asked, gently kissing your temple. You nodded. "I missed you." You mumbled, suddenly getting embarrassed, hiding your face into the crook of his neck. He smiled and softly laughed. "I missed you, too, my love." He whispered.


    Niki woke up to soft whimpering and saw you gripping the pillow. She gently shook your shoulders. "Y/N, wake up, love." She whispered. You woke up, crying. Your sobs sounded a bit high pitched. Then she realized you were little. She held you close to her chest, softly hushing you. "You're going to be okay, Bubba. I promise." She said softly. "Pwomise?" You asked softly. "Promise. You can go to sleep. I will be here when you wake up. I shall protect you." She mumbled as she was falling asleep herself. "Mkay..." You say, slowly drifting to sleep. 


  "WILBUR, YOU FUCK!" Tommy yelled into his mic, the VC filling with laughter. There was a whiny sound coming from the other room, so he takes off his headphones to listen better. Yep. He wasn't just hearing things. "Uh... guys? I'll be right back." Tommy said, worry filling his tone. He got up, setting his headset down and left the room, closing the door behind him. He was confused yet scared, knowing that you and Tommy were home alone. When Tommy got to the guest room where you were staying in, he saw you. You were in the corner of the room, in a ball, knees to your chest, hands over your ears, softly crying. Tommy ran to your side and hugged you. "You okay, Y/N?" He asked. "B-Bubba was angy..." You whimpered, your voice in a cute high pitched voice. Tommy's eyes widened. You had told him you had age regression and he didn't fully believe you but kept it in mind. "N-N-No- I wasn't mad at you, love." Tommy said, stuttering because he didn't expect you to actually regress and get upset and cry. You look up at him with fear. "Bubba n-no mad?" You asked softly, sniffling. "No, Bubba is not mad." Tommy said softly, wiping your tears. You leaned into his chest, and stopped crying. He kissed your temple and held you close.


     You were cuddled up to Tubbo and you started to play with his hoodie string as he scrolled through his phone. After a while, he kinda got annoyed and took the string away and put it between his teeth. You giggled, sounding like a little kid, catching his attention. Tubbo looked at you and you started to play with your hoodie strings, putting one between your teeth too. Then it clicked. You were little. Tubbo smiled and chuckled at your adorable antics. You looked up at him and smile brightly. "Hai!" You chirped, your voice cute and high pitched. "Hello." Tubbo whispered, setting his phone down. "Wuv you, Ubbo!" You giggled. He softly laughed, a small blush tinting his cheeks. He took the string from of his lips and kissed your cheek. "I love you too, Y/N." He cooed, cradling you in his arms.


    Ranboo was cuddling you while he was watching Supernatural (God, I love that show) and he heard whimpering next to him and he turned his head to face you and saw you clinging to one of his plushies. 'They're little... aww...' He held you close to his chest, making you ease and calm down, the grip you had on the plushie eased. He kissed your forehead and continued watching the show.

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