"Y/n was beautiful." -Wilbur- TWD AU

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(Angst practice)

It's a scene where Maggie told Negan she doesn't want to hate him anymore but she can't forgive him for Glenn's death. I kinda rewrote the script to make it fit.

Jshlatt is gonna be Negan in this part.

Wilbur's POV:

I sat across from Jshlatt, who had his hands in his pockets. "Thank you for saving my son." I spoke up, making the goat turn to look up at me, but not say anything. "I want to forgive you, but I can't. No matter how grateful I am for you saving Fundy. What you did to my wife..." My voice began to tremble as I looked at my left hand, the ring on my wedding finger was a little rusted, but it was still beautiful. Just like... "Y/n was beautiful. She was the best thing in my life and you took her away from me." I turned to make eye contact with Shlatt who's eyes were full of regret.

"When I look at you, I see Y/n dying. Blood dripping down her face. You mocking her as she slowly died. I sometimes hear her calling for me." My voice cracked slightly as I felt a tear roll down my face. "When I look at you, I think of the fact that my son will never meet his mother. I think of the fact that I will never in my life, will be able to live someone like I loved her."

Just thinking of her I see her smile, making me smile. "I remember her smile. I remember her eyes. I remember her laugh. I remember how good she was. Not only to me, but to everyone else. She was a hero. She saved lives and you took hers because you were blinded with rage." I sobbed softly, staring into Jshlatt's soul. "She didn't deserve to die like that. She didn't even get a proper funeral. You just threw were corpse into the road for the walkers to eat." I glared at him before softening my eyes again. "The only good thing I'm seeing out of this is that Y/n will no longer have to live in a horrible world like this. But seriously... Why Y/n... Why my Y/n...?" I sobbed harder, covering my mouth slightly. "A new mother... A wife... A sister... A daughter... A hero... Killed by a man who was drunk with rage and power..." I saw Jshlatt tear up.

"I want to put that all behind to forgive you but I can't. Y/n was everything to me and you took her. I'm sorry. No matter how much I don't want to hate you, I really fucking hate you. The only good thing in this world was snatched from me. And... I can't ever forgive you for it." I finished, looking at the goat who was now crying softly.

"I understand." Shlatt whispered, as Fundy, my 10 year old son, named after Y/n's father, ran over to me. "Dad! Look what I found!" He called, his little fox tail wagging as his ears drooped around, still unable to stand up as he ran over to me. I quickly wiped my tears and turned to him. "Aye! What'd you find, little man?" I asked with a smile, pulling the little fox kitten into my lap. Fundly held up a flower. "Aww. Pretty." I cooed. Suddenly, Dadza ran into view. "Jesus Christ! That child so much fucking faster than he looks." He wheezed making me and Fundy laugh.

(How was my first angst? Tell me how y'all think, really. It went from angst to slight fluff tho...)

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