When You See Them Cry

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Dream: When Clay starts crying, it's either that he's overly stressed, laughing his ass off, very upset about something. It's kinda hard to make him cry. So when you do see him cry, you are immediately at his side. You hug him and just let him sob into your shoulder/chest. You let him rant about anything. You would tell him calming things and give him cheek and forehead kisses and let him cuddle up to you for as long as he wanted. He honestly becomes a little clingy when he's upset. (Lol same).  You repeatedly tell him that you love him and that he's safe and that everything's going to be okay.

George: George can be emotional at times. He usually cries when he's stressed or deeply annoyed or just very sad about something. When you see him crying, you immediately get protective. You hold him close to you and let him sob/rant about absolutely anything. You cuddle him as he sleeps away the tears after a while.

SapNap: Nick is an anxious person, as he has said before in a video. But other than that information, I don't really see him as the crying type. But if he did, you'd be very concerned. It is very hard to make him cry, so if he does, just cuddle him and remind him that you love him.

Karl: Sensitive baby❤. When Karl cries, you get very protective ngl. You would hunt someone down if they made Karl cry. You would cuddle him and remind him that you love him so much. Kiss all over his face, which usually helps calm him down and makes him giggle because it tickles. You would let him talk to you about anything. If it was people on the internet that made him upset, you would send out a very angry tweet on both his and your Twitter accounts.

Quackity: Its rare to see him crying tbh. When you see him crying though, you know something seriously bad must've happened. Or that he saw something extremely sad on the internet. You would pull him into a hug and let him just sob. He might mess some of his English up and speak a little bit of Spanish here and there, but you understand what he's trying to say. He becomes very apologetic at times too, like he's blaming himself. You remind him that its not his fault and that you love him more than everything. When you told him to rest and take a nap, you try to fix the problem the best you can to help try to get the weight off his shoulders.

BadBoyHalo: Darryl is very sensitive about things. He is pretty innocent as you know and if he sees a sad/scary movie, he'll probably cry. I just see him watching like, The Titanic or Frankindog(?) And just flat out crying during it. Or if you make him watch John Wick, the scene where they shoot his dog. Or when he is super stressed. When he cries, he goes to you. He cuddles up to you and rants about anything. You start playing with his hair to calm him and give him face kisses to help. If he asks for advice, you give the best you can. Apologizes when he's calm and feels bad he said all his problems to you at such a random time.  You tell him to not blame himself for it.

Skeppy: Zak is hard to make cry. If he ever does, he denies it. He could be bawling his eyes out, and say that he's fine. But when you hug him, he just breaks tf down. You let him rant for as long as he wanted and just let him be all cuddly. When he's calm, he just back to his normal troll-y self. He just acts like nothing happened.

Wilbur: Wilbur rarely cries. If he ever does, it's because he's stressed or when he sees something sad, like a sad video or something. Wilbur tries to hide himself so you won't find out that he is upset. But when you find him, he tries to hide it but when you get him to cave to tell you, he breaks down. You hug him and let him rant and sob into your arms. When you calm him down, he cuddles up to you and feels bad that he let his emotions spill out but you stopped him mid sentence with a hug. Told him it was okay to have emotions.

Ghostbur: Ghostbur never cries... right?

(Just these guys for now. I started up school again and will be updating and disappearing at the most random times, which I am sorry for. Thanks for getting this book to 6k reads. Love y'all!) 

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