Cross My Heart

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A/N: This chapter's picture was drawn by dendriticheep on Tumblr


To say 'disappointment' was what he felt would be vastly understating Hawks' state of mind as he glided to his destination alone. The past week he had been secretly brooding, anticipating a call from Dabi to discuss the possibility of a merger with the League and another criminal organization, the Meta Liberation Army. Even though he was still tasked with presenting the villain with Best Jeanist's body, Hawks' action of rescuing you convinced the others to allow him entry into the meeting, just this once.

Hawks' lips remained tightly shut, his gaze staring into space as he flew. There was no way that such a merger can lead to something so catastrophic, but he couldn't take any chances, no matter how unlikely. The worst-case scenario would mean imminent danger and destruction to the entire country if even a hair was out of place. That why he took you out, why he wanted to be with you, and why he was so scared to answer you. Once he retrieves and delivers the body, Hawks will be home significantly less. As much as he hated to admit it, he wasn't able to watch over you and keep you safe at all times. He couldn't be there to protect you. That's when the grand idea struck him.

The best way to protect you...

...was to teach you how to protect yourself.

A gentle rhythm of the nearby clock echoed through the vacant bedroom as you stepped foot inside. Switching on the light revealed personalized decorations, posters and furniture that had found a place in your shared space once unpacking was complete. You remembered the way your nose scrunched up when stepping foot into Hawks' home for the very first time, and just how minimalistic it was. It made sense since he was always busy with hero work and never home, but to have nothing decorating or adorning one's house? Could you even call that a home? 

You had made a mental note to start preparations to adorn his house. It started with a simple framed picture on the wall, of the two of you together, this time with you fully prepared and holding up your fingers into two victory signs as Hawks winked happily beside you. The once barren house felt more and more like a home in a matter of weeks.

Something else had begun to change in your life since the move as well. Your favorite book was in hand as you tumbled onto your back in bed, but its pages remained tightly shut, being in no mood for recreation. Turning the light back off, you instead chose to gawk at the ceiling. In the past few weeks, something had begun to feel different about who you called your roommate. His familiar carefree and confident aura had given way to something more... uncertain. He still kept up that sleek and comforting smile, but the dark lines under his eyes had begun to tell a different story.

It was as though the more he spent time with you, the more distant he wanted to be. What happened that night after dancing with him was hard proof of that.

It didn't take much to deduce that something was up about Hawks, especially after what had transpired when you saw the soul within him. The pure vulnerability in his eyes, the conflicting face of devotion and fear.

Your eyebrows creased, trying hard to make sense of it before pulling yourself out of bed and into the kitchen, grabbing a pen and scrap paper on your way out with newfound determination.


For what felt like eons, you shifted restlessly in bed. The blinds kept away the evening sun, making the room dim at most times without the lamp on. The sun was only then beginning to set, but there was nothing else for you to do other than be alone with your own thoughts. The note you set in the kitchen for him to find in the morning left you a jumble of nerves. In that note were words of concern. Of passion. Of vulnerability. One that started and ended with –

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