Until You Came Along

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A/N: This chapter's picture was drawn by jasmeen / @mixe_mirai on Twitter!


It was the little things that you had learned to tell when Hawks was feeling down or upset, even if he didn't make it obvious. Despite this, it became increasingly more of a challenge to see past his lively and upbeat body language insisting he was alright as of late. What did become apparent, were the muscles controlling the expressions on his face. When he was stressed, those muscles were not as pronounced. His fake smile forced a stiffness to his face and had a different inflection versus his genuinely happy smile, indicated through the genial gleam in his eyes.

It all started when he began taking his work home with him.

It felt as though every instance you suggested something to lift his spirits, whether it be a late-night glide, a movie night - whatever your efforts were, Hawks was quick to rebuff it.

"Hawks!" It would start. "I figured out how to pirate movies online! You wanna have a big horror movie marathon toni-"

"Not tonight babe. Soon, yeah?" he'd say before locking himself in his private work room. It was as if he lived in there as of late.

Another time you had knocked on his door, tucking two knife-sized feathers in makeshift weapon holsters around your waist.

"Hey! I've been practicing dual wield training like you said!" you beamed with a proud smile, unfastening the feather knives to strike a dorky yet endearing fighting pose. "I think I'm getting good with these! Come check me out!"

Again, there was simply no time.

One instance particularly stuck out to you. He had spent the day shut in his work room highlighting some complicated looking book for some reason. In hindsight, it was a mistake to sneak up directly behind him when he was hard at work.

"You up for some takeout tonight, Hawks?"

He shut the book, his thumb holding in place the page he was currently on as his shoulders twisted stiffly in your direction. His eyes shut with a forced grin on his face as he spoke.

"In a bit, 'kay?"

It wasn't his fault, of course. You knew what you were getting into that night you accepted your feelings for him. But it was impossible to push away the notion that he was brushing you off simply because your proposals simply weren't interesting enough. That was when you decided to reignite that looming question from that night, and this time, make an offer he just couldn't refuse.


*knock knock knock*

Upon getting a brief answer that Hawks was still alive in there, you entered with a particular jubilance in your step. At the other end of the room, Hawks sat in front of the disorganized web on the desk, his back and wings facing you.

"Hey Hawks, I have something I wanted to-"

A strange greyish glimmer on his wings forced your words back for a moment, unsure of how to respond. "Whoa, what's this?"

"It's nothing, baby," he instructed calmly, subtly pushing his wings away from your sight. "Whatcha need?"

"No wait, hold on." Your arm began reaching toward his wing. "Let me see what-"

Just before you could reach the object, Hawks' wing puffed up, blocking you off. You took one step back, catching you off guard as he stood up and turned around sternly.


He stared at you, unsmiling.

"You need to back off."

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