My Limit

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After your morning experiment, Dabi hung outside the door to take you to your next trial. Only, you couldn't help but notice how the whiteness in the roots of his hair the other day was gone and replaced with more depressing black. It was odd. Perhaps you were just imagining things.

You reluctantly agreed to obey each command during testing. After weeks of agonizing research, something beyond your comprehension compelled you to grow the nerve to finally speak, to find out what you had been questioning since the very beginning.

"Before we keep going," your voice echoed through the lab and reached the figures talking amongst themselves behind a large glass observation window, catching their attention. "Tell me what I'm doing here. What exactly do you want with me? What have you been doing with my hands?"

One of the scientists took a step toward the glass and pushed their glasses up by the bridge of their nose. "We are experts here by request of your... let's call him employer. We are responsible for transfiguring subjects from ordinary humans to powerful creatures called Nomu. I'm sure recent news has made you aware of the effectiveness and destruction of using Nomu in combat. Now imagine if we were able to harness the power of immortality to utilize on High-End Nomu."

You blinked in shock; mouth cracked open slightly. "Wh-what?"

The scientist tilted his head slightly, revealing cold, apathetic eyes. "With your Quirk, Nomu will be able to mimic immortal qualities. In other words, they will be unkillable. With your power, the Raid will not end in failure."

You stared blankly at the glass, struggling to process what you were doing. They schemed to use your Quirk to resurrect deceased Nomu which would stop them from having to use precious resources to make more so quickly, especially with what was being planned in a few months' time, something called 'The Raid.'

Mumbling, you shook your head, overwrought in disbelief. "Are you... serious?"

When pressed further about exactly what was planned to happen then, they conveniently decided to no longer humor you. They had disclosed what your purpose was, and exactly why the League needed you to join so desperately. They answered rather unashamed, almost proud even.

Unbeknownst to any of you, a lone red feather had been wedged in the doorframe of the control room, catching the vibrations of their voices and transferred them to its holder from afar. In a darkened room, the feathered hero's head dipped low, a bitter shadow concealing his face as he bit his trembling lip at the revelation. He heard the whole thing.


The following day's experiment took place in a larger area than the usual pale experimental room – deep underground, so nothing could get in, or out. Cautiously you scanned over the room, taking note of its lack of windows and ceiling that must have been at least three floors high. The grey concrete patterns in the floor grossly contradicted the craggy, dungeon-like walls.

This is a new place. And so huge, too. I wonder... if today I'm gonna have to...

Bringing your palms face up, you stared blankly into reddened bandages like an endless void, mind racing over the mishap that happened a few days prior. A faint green struggled out of your palms, fading in and out, bathing your face in uncertainty. Suddenly, you weren't sure if you could do this anymore.

"Now, back on schedule," you heard a familiar voice of a scientist over the intercom. "Today is an advanced study, a new stage in our research. Starting now, we will test your ability to take control over this Nomu you helped to create. Use what you have learned in prior experiments to invade its mind and obey your command. Begin."

Without any room for objections, the wall beside you raised up slowly, revealing the hands and feet of one of those dreaded purple beasts behind a reinforced cage. The sound of your own heartbeat flooded your ears, your mind racing a thousand thoughts.

A Wilted Red Rose (Hawks x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now