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It's been a few days after that incident with Leo. We haven't talked since then and when we came across each other, we would just ignore each other's presence. I was in my room packing my things when a knock was heard on the door.

"Come in!"
I didn't bother to look at who entered the door but I could feel their stare on my back. I already knew who it was.

"What do you want?"

"What are you doing?"
He spoke still standing behind me. I sigh getting up and faced him. He looked somehow... different today. His hair was slicked back instead of the usual 'Leonardo' style. His facial hair was trimmed and he looked... good? It was like he's going to an important event.

"What's up with the hairstyle?"

"You didn't answer my question."
He crossed his arms and glared at me.

"As far as I know, I asked the first question."

"Fine, I've come to inform you about the family dinner."
He sigh in defeat.

"Family dinner? With who?"
I queried looking up at him.

"Your family and mine."
He answered with a straight face.

"For what?"

"Stop asking questions and just get ready tonight."
He rolled his eyes and turned his back. He was about to exit the room when I spoke.

"But I'm not going to be here tonight. I'm leaving."
What I said made him stop dead on his tracks. He took a few seconds thinking before turning around and walking towards me. He kept on moving towards me and I walked backwards until my back finally hit the wall, causing me to stop. He stood in front of me, leaving only a tiny little bit of gap between the two of us.

He blankly stated like it didn't bother him at all.

"Didn't you hear what I said? I'm leaving! For good!"
I yelled at him and he closed his eyes in annoyance before opening them again. He held my shoulders shaking them vigorously as he spoke.

"I said fine. Leave. You don't need my permission to leave. What do you want me to do? Beg you to stay? Tell you that I can't live without you?! Who do you think I am.. I'm not Alex! Look at where he is now! 6 feet below where we are!"
I finally burst into anger and broke out from his grip. I raised my hand ready to slap him out of fury but he caught my hand just in time. Anger flooded his veins and he shouted.

"I'm not that someone who would take a bullet for you or die for you. It so happened that you're just a mere stranger I married. There is no us and there will never be us! Get that into your little head, kitten. I. Dont. Care. About. You."
He gritted his teeth and let go of my hand. He stormed out from the room and I was left breathless from anger and sadness. A tear rolled down on my cheek and I chuckled to myself. How could I be so stupid... to think that he would actually want me to stay...that he actually genuinely cared for me.

I wiped the tear off my cheek and continued packing my clothes fruatratedly before zipping the luggage. I dragged it across the room and pulled it down the stairs. Thuds were heard as I dragged it down. I looked around, expecting to see Leo but to my surprise I only saw Doris. She was looking at me in a perplexed way.

"Audelia... is everything alright? I just saw Mr. Torres exit the house. He seemed to be furious. And...where are you taking your luggage to?"
Her eyes wandered down to my luggage and I faked a smile at her.

"I'm just going on a holiday for a while. Just to clear my mind from this, you know."

"I'm sorry to say this, Audelia. But it doesn't seem like you're going away for 'a while' with that big luggage of yours you have there. Although it's none of my business, I do hope that your little holiday is just what I think it is and that you'll be coming back."
She looked hesitant and worried.

"And... what if I don't? I'm sure Leonardo would be happy if I'm gone."
I sadly smiled.

"Trust me when I say this, I've never seen Mr. Torres behave this way. Ever since you came here, he was more... human. He smiled more often and he looked happy all the time, like the little joyful boy he was years ago when his mother was still alive."

"Doris... fine. I'll listen to you. I will be back here, don't worry. I won't leave without saying a proper goodbye to you or to him. Okay?"
I held her hands in mine in reassurance as I hugged her little and frail body. I smiled at her one last time before heading out of the house. I felt a little weight on my chest when I reached outside, was I doing the right thing?

I shook my thoughts off before taking my phone out, dialling Bruno's number.

"Don't ask any questions, just pick me up at the house."
I ended the call before waiting for him to arrive.

10 minutes passed and no cars were visible.
20 minutes passed
30 minutes passed
35 minutes passed and finally a car stopped in front of the house, I was sitting on the ground waiting and I rolled my eyes.

I got up and dusted my shirt before walking towards the heavily tinted car. I opened the door before getting inside. Weird... normally Bruno would open the door for me, we maybe he just forgot.

I got inside, looking at the driver seat expecting to see Bruno when my face suddenly turned pale. It was not Bruno. In the driver seat sat a young man with black hair and a black mask covering his face. He avoided my stare and kept silent.

"Who are you?"
I questioned with my hand on my gun that was in my back pocket, ready to shoot.

"Bruno sent me to get you since he was busy."
I raised my eyebrows before gulping.

"Only Bruno is allowed to drive me and everyone knows that..."
My voice trailed off when I felt a gun being pointed to my forehead. I was too late to even pull my gun out. The man was too fast.

"Save your screams for later, this car is sound-proofed and heavily tinted. Nobody can see you nor hear you. Just cooperate with me and you might be unharmed."
Even though the unknown man was wearing a mask, I could see that he was grinning from under it.

Fuck.. I'm screwed.

Before I could even negotiate with him, the masked man hit me hard with the back of the gun, making my vision go blurry and darkness eventually taking over me.

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