💖 piss kink 💖

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War. After armouring up, King Julian, Mort and coconut man were ready. Once again there was about to be bloodshed. They stormed towards the church opening the door together revealing what was soon to be a battlefield. Mort whipped out his rocket launcher from his ass and begun shooting at the vampires. Coconut man shot all around the church with his machete as King Julian set everything ablaze with his flint and steel. Wooden stakes flew back and forth across the church killing vampires left and right. The entire church was filled with the scent of burning garlic as the flames engulfed the building. It didn't take long for only three vampires to remain. Twilight Sparkle, Mordecai and Edward Cullen stood before them. Twilight sparkle attempted to attack Mort despite the fact he was holding a rocket launcher. The decision was pretty silly and goofy on her part and would quickly lead to her demise. Within seconds Twilight Sparkle exploded by the hand of Morts rocket launcher. She didn't stand a chance.
"You killed my little pony boo" Mordecai screams in agony as he fell to the floor weeping. The coconut walked towards Mordecai towering above him. He aimed his machete at Mordecai's head.
"Just kill me" Mordecai pleaded holding the gun closer to him. The coconut was about to pull the trigger but quickly stopped himself. He wasn't going to kill someone who was mourning their beloved.
"No Mordecai" the coconut walked away leaving him to cry. After taking two steps away the coconut had a change of heart.
"Actually..." The coconut turned around and shot Mordecai in the face. His lifeless body fell to the ground. That didn't stop the coconut from shooting him. He shot, and shot and shot at Mordecai. Finally the coconut stabbed a wooden stake through his heart dealing the final blow. Coconut man turned to look at the other who were horrified.
"Good soup" said coconut with shrug.

Toes In The Jam (Mort X Frank X King Julian)Where stories live. Discover now