💖 Krith ith thummer 💖

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10 years later🤰:

Mort, King Julian and the coconut had been happily married to each other for the past 10 years. Their wedding was said to be the most extravagant wedding in the whole kingdom. Since then the marriage had of course had it's ups and downs but at the end of day their love for each other would overcome any hardships. Mort had since given birth to 2 beautiful coconuts that they all cherished dearly. At first the family had money problems but that was quickly overcome after King Julian introduced taxes to the Kingdom. Taxes of which would go directly into his pocket. This enraged a lot of people in the kingdom but that was quickly resolved when King Julian threatened to kill anyone who went against his orders. Other than that everything went pretty smoothly.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2021 ⏰

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