Chapter 15

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On a flying horse, the trip from Dwargon to the capital city of Rimuru took just one day. The dwarves were soon off, with Gazel promising to visit again soon.

And he did. This time with a droopy Vester.

"Well, Rimuru!" the king half shouted as he dismounted. "Here I am, as promised!"

"Uh, didn't you just leave two days ago?"

Is his kingdom really going to be alright? I couldn't help but think about that.

As I silently stewed over these doubts, Kaijin came running up to me.

"Your Majesty!" he shouted. "You didn't sneak out of the castle, did you?!"

"Pfft! Can you believe it? A hundred-man security detail, and not one noticed me escaping! Such ignoble slackers! It's right back to hard drilling for them when I return home."

"Well...I mean...they can't handle someone like you, my liege..."

"Mm? Did you want to say something, Kaijin?"

"N-no, Your Majesty...nothing..."

"Er, so what brings you here this time, Your Majesty?" Kaijin asked

"Well, simple, really. You recall how I exiled you both from Dwargon based on my own personal judgment, so that's why I had to come here. And you will recall how our covenant included the sharing of technological expertise? Well, I've brought along the perfect man for the job."

And here comes Vester kidnapped by his own king.....

"K-King Gazel?!" Kaijin sounded like he was beside himself. "Should I take this to mean you're fine with letting us take every piece of dwarven technology you have?"

"Pfft! Let me give you this request, then. I want you to take this land we stand upon now and harness it to create technology like none seen before. You understand me? Your research should not rely on previous perspectives—you must work more freely than that, as you conceive new ideas. That is the whole reason why I have allowed the free exchange of technology between my nation and yours."

Yea I have some stuff that shouldn't even exist at this time but it does. better not bring that up and cause needless trouble.

"Hey, are you—"

"Oops! Bet my covert force has caught up to me by now. I'll be on my way, then!"

Right as I was about to question him about him trying to read my mind he skilfully diverted the topic and Then he flew away. A very sudden arrival, and a very hurried exit. The man was like a living thunderstorm.

"Kaijin, are you sure your nation's safe with such a freewheeling man ruling it?"

"Who can say...? He's been ruling for centuries, so I imagine we'll be fine, but... Certainly, he was not so flighty when I served him in the palace."

"Ah, well. I'm not one to speak, I suppose."


As far as uncommon visitors go, one time, while exploring in the woods, I came across an insectoid—an insect-type monster—that was near death. It was maybe a foot and a half tall, kind of a cross between a stag beetle and one of those big fighting ones, and I just thought it looked so cool. There was a dead blade tiger next to it, a B-ranked monster, and imagining this small creature defeating such a formidable foe was remarkable to me. There was another insectoid behind it—it had attacked me so the other one could make its escape a foot tall and looked like a garden-variety wasp.

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